
/kuy"os, -ohs, kee"-/; Gk. /khee"aws/, n.
1. a Greek island in the Aegean, near the W coast of Turkey. 53,942; 322 sq. mi. (834 sq. km).
2. a seaport on and the capital of this island. 52,487. Greek, Khios.

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or Khíos

Island, Aegean Sea.

It lies 5 mi (8 km) west of Turkey and, with some adjacent islands, constitutes a department of Greece. Of volcanic origin, it is 30 mi (48 km) long and 815 mi (1324 km) wide with an area of 325 sq mi (842 sq km). It was noted in antiquity as Homer's birthplace and the home of a school of sculptors. It was colonized by Ionians but became subject to Persia in 546 BC. Though later a member of the Delian League, it revolted several times against Athens. It prospered successively under Rome, Venice, Genoa, and the Ottoman Empire; it passed to Greece after the Balkan Wars (191213). The city of Chios is the department's capital.

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Modern Greek  Khíos  

      island, situated 5 miles (8 km) off the western coast of Turkey in the Aegean Sea, that with Psará and other islands makes up the nomós (department) of Khíos, Greece. Of volcanic and limestone origins, it is about 30 miles (50 km) long north-south and from 8 to 15 miles (13 to 24 km) wide. It is traversed north-south by mountains culminating in Mount Pelinaíon (4,255 feet [1,297 metres] high). Khíos, the capital and port on the east coast, has a small, safe harbour.

      Homer was reputed to have lived in Chios, which was the home of a school of bards, the Homerids (Homeridae). In the 8th century BC it became one of the seven cities of the Pan-Ionian League, and in the 6th and 5th centuries BC it had a renowned school of sculpture. In 546 Chios submitted to Cyrus I of Persia; but after the defeat of Persia, Chios joined the Delian League and remained an ally of Athens until 412, when it revolted. Athens ravaged Chios in reprisal, and in 378 Chios joined the Second Athenian League, only to revolt again in 354 BC and have its independence recognized. It was reputed to be one of the best-governed states in Greece, but in the 4th century BC it was racked by civil strife. The island's commerce, based on wine, flourished during the Roman and Byzantine period. Centuries later, after occupations by the Seljuq Turks (108992) and by the Venetians (112425, 1172, 120425), Chios was given in fief to the Genoese family of Zaccaria in 1261. In 1415 the Genoese became tributary to the Ottoman Turks; and in 1822, during the War of Greek Independence, many of the Christian inhabitants of Chios were massacred or sold into slavery by the Turks. The island was reunited with Greece after the Balkan Wars (191213).

      Wine and gum mastic, traditional products of Chios, often contributed to its economic recovery after times of trouble. Mastic is collected from a wild shrub that grows in the south; it provides the flavour for mastíkha, a Greek liqueur, and is used for chewing gum and a local white jam. Chios has no permanent watercourse, so the entire island, including the fertile plain of Kambos, requires irrigation. Nonetheless, citrus fruit, olives, and figs are grown; and lemons, oranges, and tangerines are exported. Antimony, calamine, and marble deposits are worked; and there is a tanning industry and much coastal trade. Area island, 321 square miles (831 square km). Pop. (2001) Khíos city, 23,779.

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Universalium. 2010.

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