
/cheel'pahn seeng"gaw/, n.
a city in and the capital of Guerrero, in SW Mexico. 56,904.

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in full Chilpancingo de los Bravos

City (pop., 2000: 142,746 136,000), capital of Guerrero state, southern Mexico.

Located in the Sierra Madre del Sur, it was founded in 1591 and gained prominence as the site of the first Mexican congress, convoked in 1813. Battles were fought there in both the war for independence from Spain and in the Mexican Revolution. It is an agricultural centre for the surrounding region.

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in full  Chilpancingo de los Bravo 

      city, capital of Guerrero estado (state), south-central Mexico. Chilpancingo lies in the Sierra Madre del Sur along the Huacapa River, which descends through the inland flanks of the mountains. In pre-Columbian times, the Olmec left remarkable cave paintings in the nearby Juxtlahuaca caverns, which include an extensive tunnel network and a subterranean lake. Spanish conquistadores founded Chilpancingo (“Place of Wasps”) in 1591. It was the site of the first Mexican congress, convoked in 1813 by José María Morelos y Pavón (Morelos, José María). The prefix de los Bravo (“of the Bravo [family]”) was added to its name in honour of its native sons and heroes of the revolution, Leonardo, Victor, and Nicolás Bravo (Bravo, Nicolás). Battles were fought at Chilpancingo during the wars of independence and in the Mexican Revolution (191020). Chilpancingo's economy depends almost entirely on the Autonomous University of Guerrero (founded 1869) and on employment with government agencies. Light manufactures include processed foods and alcoholic beverages. The city is a market for corn (maize), sugarcane, bananas, livestock, and lumber produced in its hinterland. It is on the Mexico CityAcapulco highway and has an airport. Pop. (2000) 142,746.

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Universalium. 2010.

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