
/chik"euhl/, n.
a gumlike substance obtained from the latex of certain tropical American trees, as the sapodilla, used chiefly in the manufacture of chewing gum. Also called chicle gum.
[1860-65, Amer.; < MexSp < Nahuatl tzictli]

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      gum that consists of the coagulated milky juice ( latex) of the sapodilla, or naseberry, tree (Achras zapota), a tropical American fruit tree principally from Yucatán, Guatemala, and other regions of Central America. Chicle is obtained as pinkish to reddish brown pieces and is said to contain both rubber and gutta-percha. Introduced as a substitute for rubber, chicle was imported to the United States in quantity as the principal ingredient of chewing gum by about 1890, but in the 1940s it was largely replaced by synthetic products. The latex is collected by making deep intersecting zigzag cuts in the bark to a height of 10 m (30 feet) or more up the trunk. Themilkruns slowly to a receptacle at the base.

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