Chicago Board of Trade

Chicago Board of Trade
a major exchange in the United States that deals in futures, notably of grains and metals. Abbr.: CBT

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in full  Board of Trade of the City of Chicago 
 the first grain futures exchange in the United States, organized in Chicago in 1848. The Board of Trade began as a voluntary association of prominent Chicago grain (cereal) merchants. By 1858 access to the trading floor, known as thepit,” was limited to members with seats on the exchange, who traded either for their own accounts or for their clients. In 1859 the Board of Trade received a charter from the Illinois legislature and was given power to set quality controls. At first, grain was sold by sample, but soon a system of inspection and grading was introduced to standardize the market and facilitate trading. The Board of Trade was eventually to become one of the largest of the world's futures markets in terms of volume and value of business.

      After more than a century of trading exclusively in agricultural products such as corn and wheat, the CBOT broadened its transactions to include financial contracts (1975), futures contracts (1982), and futures-options contracts (1997). In 1994 the open outcry method of trading (by which traders would literally shout their orders) was replaced by electronic trading systems. In 2005 the CBOT became a subsidiary of a new public corporation, CBOT Holdings, and in 2007 the corporation merged with Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc., a financial futures exchange specializing in options, foreign currency futures, and interest rates. The new firmofficially known as CME Group Inc., a CME/Chicago Board of Trade Companyhandled transactions in financial products, commodities, and alternative futures products such as weather and real estate.

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Universalium. 2010.

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