
/che"jooh"/, n.
1. formerly, Quelpart. an island S of and belonging to South Korea. 365,522; 718 sq. mi. (1860 sq. km).
2. a city on and the capital of this island, on the N coast. 91,300.

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      city and provincial capital, Cheju do (province), on the northern coast of Cheju Island, off the southern coast of South Korea. It is the island's largest city and has its only airport, which handles both domestic and international flights. The political, commercial, and cultural centre of the island since it was an independent kingdom in ancient times, it developed as a seaport after 1913. Port facilities were rapidly constructed after 1946. Industries include canning and the manufacture of marine products, spirits, and starch (from sweet potatoes). Cheju National College (1955) and Cheju Teachers' College (1966) are located there. Among historical sites is Samsŏng-hyŏl, the legendary cradle of three old families (Koh, Yang, and Boo). Pop. (1985) 202,911.

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Universalium. 2010.

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