
cheerer, n.cheeringly, adv.
/chear/, n.
1. a shout of encouragement, approval, congratulation, etc.: The cheers of the fans filled the stadium.
2. a set or traditional form of shout used by spectators to encourage or show enthusiasm for an athletic team, contestant, etc., as rah! rah! rah!
3. something that gives joy or gladness; encouragement; comfort: words of cheer.
4. a state of feeling or spirits: Their good cheer overcame his depression.
5. gladness, gaiety, or animation: full of cheer and good spirits.
6. food and drink: tables laden with cheer.
7. Archaic. facial expression.
8. be of good cheer, (used as an exhortation to be cheerful): Be of good cheer! Things could be much worse.
9. with good cheer, cheerfully; willingly: She accepted her lot with good cheer.
10. cheers, (used as a salutation or toast.)
11. to salute with shouts of approval, congratulation, triumph, etc.: The team members cheered their captain.
12. to gladden or cause joy to; inspire with cheer (often fol. by up): The good news cheered her.
13. to encourage or incite: She cheered him on when he was about to give up.
14. to utter cheers of approval, encouragement, triumph, etc.
15. to become happier or more cheerful (often fol. by up): She cheered up as soon as the sun began to shine.
16. Obs. to be or feel in a particular state of mind or spirits.
[1175-1225; ME chere face < AF; cf. OF chiere < LL cara face, head < Gk kára head]
Syn. 3. solace. 5. joy, mirth, glee, merriment. 11. applaud. 12. exhilarate, animate. CHEER, GLADDEN, ENLIVEN mean to make happy or lively. TO CHEER is to comfort, to restore hope and cheerfulness to (now often CHEER UP, when thoroughness, a definite time, or a particular point in the action is referred to): to cheer a sick person; She soon cheered him up. (Compare EAT UP.) To GLADDEN does not imply a state of sadness to begin with, but suggests bringing pleasure or happiness to someone: to gladden someone's heart with good news. ENLIVEN suggests bringing vivacity and liveliness: to enliven a dull evening, a party. 13. inspirit.
Ant. 12. discourage, depress.

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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