- Checkpoint Charlie
a checkpoint in Berlin at which passage was permitted between East and West Berlin.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Checkpoint Charlie — visto hacia el Este, año 2004. El Checkpoint Charlie es el más famoso de los pasos fronterizos del Muro de Berlín entre 1945 y 1990. Se encuentra en la Friedrichstraße, y abría el paso a la zona de control estadounidense con la soviética, donde… … Wikipedia Español
Checkpoint Charlie — A view of Checkpoint Charlie in 1963, from the American sector Checkpoint Charlie (or Checkpoint C ) was the name given by the Western Allies to the best known Berlin Wall crossing point between East Berlin and West Berlin during the Cold War.… … Wikipedia
Checkpoint Charlie — Grenzübergangsstelle Checkpoint Charlie am 19. November 1989 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Checkpoint Charlie — 52° 30′ 27″ N 13° 23′ 25″ E / 52.5075, 13.39027 … Wikipédia en Français
Checkpoint Charlie — a checkpoint in Berlin at which passage was permitted between East and West Berlin. * * * Checkpoint Charlie [Checkpoint Charlie] an official place at which people crossed the border between East Berlin and West Berlin during the time when the… … Useful english dictionary
Checkpoint Charlie — El Checkpoint Charlie es el más famoso de los pasos fronterizos del Muro de Berlín entre 1945 y 1990 véase mapa de Berlín y pasos fronterizos [1]. Se encuentra en la Friedrichstraße, y abría el paso a la zona de control estadounidense con la… … Enciclopedia Universal
Checkpoint Charlie — Checkpoint Char|lie the best known checkpoint in the Berlin Wall between what was formerly East and West Germany … Dictionary of contemporary English
Checkpoint Charlie Museum — Haus am Checkpoint Charlie … Wikipedia
Checkpoint Charlie — famous checkpoint that served as a crossing point between East and West Berlin from 1961 1990 (considered a symbol of the Iron Curtain ) … English contemporary dictionary
Checkpoint Charlie — /ˌtʃɛkpɔɪnt ˈtʃali/ (say .chekpoynt chahlee) noun a checkpoint at which passage was allowed between East and West Berlin; dismantled prior to reunification of Germany in 1990 …