
chasubled, adj.
/chaz"yeuh beuhl, -euh beuhl, chas"-/, n. Eccles.
a sleeveless outer vestment worn by the celebrant at Mass.
[1250-1300; < F < LL casubla, unexplained var. of casula hooded cloak, L: little house (see CASA, -ULE); r. ME chesible < AF < LL]

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▪ ecclesiastical garb
      liturgical vestment, the outermost garment worn by Roman Catholic priests and bishops at mass and by some Anglicans and Lutherans when they celebrate the Eucharist. The chasuble developed from an outer garment worn by Greeks and Romans called the paenula or casula (“little house”), a conical or bell-shaped cloak made from a semicircular piece of cloth sewn partially up the front with an opening left for the head.

      Worn by both laity and clergy until the 6th century, the chasuble gradually developed into a specifically ecclesiastical vestment. It was draped in different ways but not structurally altered until the 15th century, when the use of heavy brocades and other stiff materials led to the reduction of material over the arms until it resembled a highly decorated tabard. In the 19th and 20th centuries attempts have been made to restore the draped effect of the early chasuble, but various styles are still used.

      In the Eastern churches, the equivalent vestment is the phelonion (phenolion), worn exclusively by priests.

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Universalium. 2010.

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