
chartable, adj.
/chahrt/, n.
1. a sheet exhibiting information in tabular form.
2. a graphic representation, as by curves, of a dependent variable, as temperature, price, etc.; graph.
3. a map, esp. a hydrographic or marine map.
4. an outline map showing special conditions or facts: a weather chart.
5. Astrol. horoscope (def. 1).
6. Jazz. a musical arrangement.
7. the charts, ratings of the popularity of popular-music records, usually based on nationwide sales for a given week: Their album is number three on the charts this week.
8. to make a chart of.
9. to plan: to chart a course of action.
10. Informal. to rank in the charts: The new song gets charted number four this week.
[1565-75; < MF charte < L c(h)arta; see CHARTA]
Syn. 3. See map. 9. draft, outline, draw up.

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