- charmeuse
/shahr moohz", -moohs"/; Fr. /shannrdd muez"/, n.a soft, lightweight, drapable fabric of silk or synthetic fibers, having a semilustrous satin face and a dull back.[1905-10; formerly trademark]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Charmeuse — (French: [ʃaʁmøːz]) is a lightweight fabric woven with a satin weave, where the warp threads cross over three or more of the backing (weft) threads. The front side of the fabric has a satin finish lustrous and reflective whereas the back has … Wikipedia
charmeuse — ● charmeuse nom féminin Satin ou tissu de soie présentant un côté brillant, satiné, et l autre mat. ● charmeur, charmeuse nom Littéraire. Personne qui exerce un pouvoir magique ; sorcier, sorcière. ● charmeur, charmeuse (expressions) nom Charmeur … Encyclopédie Universelle
charmeuse — s.n. (text.) Tricot din fire de mătase, cu faţa foarte netedă, din care se confecţionează articole de lenjerie. [pron. şar möz. / < fr. charmeuse]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 08.12.2004. Sursa: DN CHARMEUSE [ŞAR MöZ] s. n. tricot din fire de… … Dicționar Român
charmeuse — [shär mo͞oz′, shärmo͞os′] n. [Fr < fem. of charmeur, enchanter < charmer, to bewitch] a smooth fabric of silk or polyester, like satin in appearance but softer and having less body … English World dictionary
Charmeuse — Char|meuse 〈[ ʃarmø:z] f. 19; unz.; Textilw.〉 1. Seidenstoff 2. kunstseidenes Trikotgewebe [frz.] * * * Char|meuse [ʃar mø:z ], die; [frz. charmeuse, eigtl. = Bezauberin] (Textilind.): maschenfeste Wirkware aus synthetischen Fasern. * * *… … Universal-Lexikon
Charmeuse — Char|meuse [... mø:z] die; <aus fr. charmeuse, weibliche Form von charmeur, vgl. ↑Charmeur> maschenfeste Wirkware aus synthetischen Fasern … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
charmeuse — noun Etymology: French, feminine of charmeur charmer, from charmer to charm Date: 1907 a fine semilustrous crepe in satin weave … New Collegiate Dictionary
Charmeuse — Stoffballen. Mal flach ... ... mal rund … Deutsch Wikipedia
charmeuse — noun A fine semi lustrous crepe in satin weave … Wiktionary
charmeuse — char·meu·se s.f.inv. ES fr. {{wmetafile0}} TS tess. seta morbida e lucente {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1938. ETIMO: der. di charme charme … Dizionario italiano