charity school

charity school
U.S. Hist.
an elementary school, usually funded by charitable persons or organizations, for those unable to pay: a forerunner of the public-school system.

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English elementary school
also called  Blue Coat School,  

      type of English elementary school that emerged in the early 18th century to educate the children of the poor. They became the foundation of 19th-century English elementary education. Supported by private contributions and usually operated by a religious body, these schools clothed and taught their students free of charge. They were instituted in an attempt to cope with poverty by means of education and were scattered throughout the country, particularly in urban areas. Charity schools as such also existed in colonial America and on the Continent during the same period, but the term was not so commonly used.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Charity school — The Blue Coat School (in this case Christ s Hospital, London) as drawn by Augustus Pugin and Thomas Rowlandson for Rudolph Ackermann s Microcosm of London (1808 11). The picture shows the Great Hall on St. Matthew s Day, September 21st. Two… …   Wikipedia

  • Charity school — La Blue coat school (dans le cas présent, il s agit de la Christ s Hospital, à Londres, dessinée par Auguste Charles Pugin et Thomas Rowlandson pour l ouvrage Microcosm of London de Rudolph Ackermann (1808 1811). L image montre le Grand Hall le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Charity School —    See St. Botolph Aldgate Charity School …   Dictionary of London

  • charity school — /ˈtʃærəti skul/ (say charuhtee skoohl) noun a day school for poor children in the 18th and 19th centuries; usually run by the Church of England …  

  • charity school — A school operating on a charitable basis in giving instruction in the useful branches of learning by methods common to schools and institutions of learning, as distinguished from schools conducted primarily for teaching dancing, riding,… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • charity school — noun : a school for poor children that is supported by charitable bequests or contributions …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Moor's Charity School — was founded in 1754 in Lebanon, Connecticut, by the Puritan minister Eleazar Wheelock to provide education for Native Americans who desired to be missionaries to the native tribes. The school survived for only a fairly short time, as Connecticut… …   Wikipedia

  • (St.) Botolph Aldgate Charity School —    In Victualling Office Square. On the east side of Little Tower Hill, west of and facing the Mint (Lockie, 1810).    Founded in 1673 for the parish of St. Botolph s. The first Protestant parochial charity school in London, and the first to… …   Dictionary of London

  • Farringdon Ward Within. Charity School —    At the west end of Bull and Mouth Street, early facing Butcher Hall Lane (Lockie, 1810 Elmes, 1831).    Established 1705 by the inhabitants of the ward.    Not named in the maps.    Amalgamated with Aldersgate Ward School, 1875 …   Dictionary of London

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