chapter and verse

chapter and verse
1. any specific chapter and verse of the Bible, as used when citing the text.
2. full, cited authority, as for any quotation, opinion, action, etc.: Give me chapter and verse for the information you've provided so far.
3. Informal.
a. detailed information.
b. a set of regulations or rules.

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  • chapter and verse — When you know something very well, and can quote it, you know it chapter and verse …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • chapter and verse — ► chapter and verse an exact reference or authority. Main Entry: ↑chapter …   English terms dictionary

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  • chapter and verse — I. noun (plural chapters and verses) Etymology: so called from the tradition of citing biblical sources by chapter and verse number 1. : the exact reference or source of information or justification for what one has said or written he claims, and …   Useful english dictionary

  • chapter and verse — noun Date: 1628 1. the exact reference or source of information or justification for an assertion < clinched their arguments by citing chapter and verse J. M. Burns > 2. full precise information or detail < can give chapter and verse on the… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • chapter and verse — all the facts. I know all about it, chapter and verse. Usage notes: often used with the verbs give, quote, or recite : She can recite chapter and verse about her problems with insurance companies. Etymology: based on the idea that proof of an… …   New idioms dictionary

  • chapter and verse — chap′ter and verse′ n. 1) cvb bib any specific chapter and verse of the Bible, as used when citing the text 2) cvb full, cited authority, as for any quotation, opinion, action, etc • Etymology: cvb 1620–30 …   From formal English to slang

  • CHAPTER AND VERSE —    the BIBLE was first divided into chapters by Archbishop Stephen Langton, in the thirteenth century. Verses were added to the HEBREW BIBLE and NEW TESTAMENT by Rabbi NATHAN and Robert ESTIENNE, respectively, in the fifteenth century. The… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • chapter and verse — full and accurate information about something They would have his file and get chapter and verse on his time in the army …   English dictionary

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