- chaparajos
/shap'euh ray"ohs/; Sp. /chah'pah rddah"haws/, n. (used with a pl. v.)[1860-65, Amer.; < MexSp, var. of chaparejos, prob. b. chaparral CHAPARRAL and aparejos, pl. of aparejo gear; akin to APPAREL]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Chaparajos — Cha pa*ra jos, n. pl. [Mex. Sp.] Overalls of sheepskin or leather, usually open at the back, worn, esp. by cowboys, to protect the legs from thorny bushes, as in the chaparral; called also {chapareras} or colloq. {chaps}. [Sp. Amer.] [Webster… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Chaparajos — Cowboy mit Chaps (ca. 1887) Chaps (von span. chaparajos) sind lederne Beinkleider ohne Gesäß, die von Cowboys beim Reiten getragen werden. Die Chaps sollen die Beine und auch die Hosen schützen, z. B. vor Dornengestrüpp, vor den Hörnern der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
chaparajos — or chaparejos noun plural Etymology: modification of Mexican Spanish chaparreras, from chaparro Date: 1887 chaps … New Collegiate Dictionary
chaparajos — n. (from Spanish) chaps, leather leggings connected by a belt or lacing worn by cowboys over the trousers to protect their legs … English contemporary dictionary
chaparajos — [ˌʃapə reɪhəʊs, ˌtʃ ] (also chaparejos) plural noun N. Amer. fuller form of chaps. Origin C19: from Mex. Sp. chaparreras, from chaparra dwarf evergreen oak (with ref. to protection from thorny vegetation: see chaparral) … English new terms dictionary
chaparajos — chap·a·ra·jos … English syllables
chaparajos — chap•a•ra•jos or chap•a•re•jos [[t]ˌʃæp əˈreɪ oʊs, hoʊs, ˌtʃæp [/t]] n. (used with a pl. v.) clo chaps • Etymology: 1860–65, amer.; < MexSp, var. of chaparejos, prob. b. chaparral chaparral and aparejos, pl. of aparejo gear … From formal English to slang
chaparajos — n. pl. cowboys leather leg coverings, chaps … Dictionary of difficult words
chaparajos — … Useful english dictionary
chapareras — Chaparajos Cha pa*ra jos, n. pl. [Mex. Sp.] Overalls of sheepskin or leather, usually open at the back, worn, esp. by cowboys, to protect the legs from thorny bushes, as in the chaparral; called also {chapareras} or colloq. {chaps}. [Sp. Amer.]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English