- chalcanthite
/kal kan"thuyt/, n.[1855-60; < L chalcanth(um) ( < Gk chálkanthon blue vitriol, lit., flower of copper, equiv. to chalk(ós) copper + ánth(os) flower + -on neut. suffix) + -ITE1]
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▪ minerala widespread sulfate mineral, naturally occurring hydrated copper sulfate, CuSO4·5H2O. It occurs in the oxidized zone of copper deposits and is frequently found on the timbers and walls of mine workings, where it has crystallized from mine waters. It was formerly an important ore mineral in Chile and was a minor ore at Butte, Mont. At one time large quantities were shipped to the Comstock Lode in Nevada, where it was used to reduce silver ores. Its blue crystals dehydrate to an opaque greenish-white powder on exposure to dry air. For detailed physical properties, see sulfate mineral (table).* * *
Universalium. 2010.