
/sha kawn", -kon", shah-/; Fr. /shann kawn"/, n., pl. chaconnes /-kawnz", -konz"/; Fr. /-kawn"/.
1. an ancient dance, probably of Spanish origin, in moderate triple meter.
2. a musical form based on the continuous variation of a series of chords or of a ground bass.
[1675-85; < F < Sp chacona]

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dance and musical form
also spelled  ciaconne 
 originally a fiery and suggestive dance that appeared in Spain about 1600 and eventually gave its name to a musical form. Miguel de Cervantes, Francisco Gómez de Quevedo, and other contemporary writers imply a Mexican origin. Apparently danced with castanets by a couple or by a woman alone, it soon spread to Italy, where it was considered disreputable as it had been in Spain. During the 17th century, a subdued version gained favour at the French court; it appeared frequently in the stage works of Jean-Baptiste Lully.

      The musical form of the chaconne is a continuous variation, usually in triple metre and a major key; it is generally characterized by a short, repeating bass line or harmonic progression. The chaconne form, which is similar to that of the passacaglia, was used by composers in the Baroque period and later. In the 17th century, French composers often designated as chaconne pieces in rondeau formi.e., with refrain (R) recurring before, after, and between contrasting passages or couplets (R A R B R C R, etc.). Johann Sebastian Bach'sChaconnefrom the Partita in D Minor for unaccompanied violin is an example of masterly use of the chaconne as a variation form. François Couperin's harpsichord music includes many chaconnes en rondeau, such asLa Favorite.” Later composers revived the form, including Johannes Brahms in the last movement of his Symphony No. 4 (1885) and Benjamin Britten in his String Quartet No. 2 (1945).

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