
/si loh"zheuh, -zhee euh/, n.
any plant of the genus Celosia, having small, usually red or yellowish flowers in dense, crested or plumelike spikes. Cf. cockscomb (def. 3).
[ < NL (Linnaeus), appar. an irreg. deriv. of Gk kéleos burning, from the burnt appearance of the flowers of some species; see -IA]

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▪ plant genus
 genus of about 45 species of herbaceous plants, of the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae), native to tropical America and Africa. Members of the genus are characterized by alternate leaves and showy flowers in spikes, which in cultivated forms are often flattened (they can be thought of as several spikes that have not separated) and form compact or feathery clusters. Some species are called woolflower for their dense chaffy flower spikes that somewhat glisten.

      Only a few species are popularly grown for their ornamental effect in gardens. The cockscomb (C. cristata) has many varieties, most of which fall into one of three groups. The plumosa group are called feathered amaranths for their plumed spikes; the nana group are dwarf varieties; and the Childsii group have ball-like knobs at the ends of flowering stalks. The range of colours is wide, from white and yellow to shades of orange, red, and purple.

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Universalium. 2010.

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