Cavalier Poets — [kævə lɪə poʊits], englische Dichtergruppe der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts, deren Vertreter (v. a. T. Carew; R. Herrick; Richard Lovelace, * 1618, ✝ 1657 oder 1658; Sir John Suckling) im englischen Bürgerkrieg dem Hof Karls I. nahe… … Universal-Lexikon
Cavalier poets — Als cavalier poets („Kavalierdichter“) werden in der englischen Literaturgeschichte eine Reihe von Dichtern bezeichnet, deren Werke insbesondere unter der Herrschaft Charles I. (der so genannten Caroline period), während des englischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cavalier poets — a group of English poets, including Herrick, Carew, Lovelace, and Suckling, mainly at the court of Charles I. [1875 80] * * * Cavalier poets, a group of English poets writing during the reign of Charles I, including Herrick, Lovelace, Suckling,… … Useful english dictionary
Cavalier poets — Cav′alier po′ets n. pl. lit. a group of English poets, including Herrick, Carew, Lovelace, and Suckling, mainly at the court of Charles I … From formal English to slang
Cavalier poets — /kævəlɪə ˈpoʊəts/ (say kavuhlear pohuhts) plural noun a group of English poets (Herrick, Carew, Lovelace, Suckling, etc.), mainly at the court of Charles I, who produced a body of graceful lyrical poetry …
Cavalier poet — Cavalier poets is a broad description of a school of English poets of the 17th century, who came from the classes that supported King Charles I during the English Civil War. They were marked out by their lifestyle and religion from the Puritans… … Wikipedia
Cavalier (disambiguation) — Cavalier may refer to: * Cavalier, a supporter of the Royalist cause during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms * Cavalier poets of the English Civil War * Cavalier Parliament (1661 1679) A Restoration Parliament * cavalryman * paladin, in some… … Wikipedia
cavalier — [kav΄ə lir′] n. [Fr < It cavaliere < LL caballarius < L caballus, horse; akin to Gr kaballēs; prob. < native name in Asia Minor] 1. an armed horseman; knight 2. a gallant or courteous gentleman, esp. one serving as a lady s escort 3.… … English World dictionary
cavalier — cavalierism, cavalierness, n. cavalierly, adv. /kav euh lear , kav euh lear /, n. 1. a horseman, esp. a mounted soldier; knight. 2. one having the spirit or bearing of a knight; a courtly gentleman; gallant. 3. a man escorting a woman or acting… … Universalium
cavalier — I. noun Etymology: Middle French, from Old Italian cavaliere, from Old Occitan cavalier, from Late Latin caballarius horseman, from Latin caballus Date: 1589 1. a gentleman trained in arms and horsemanship 2. a mounted soldier ; knight 3.… … New Collegiate Dictionary