causalgia — f. neurol. Neuralgia que va acompañada de trastornos cutáneos (piel brillante, roja y sudorosa) y sensación local de dolor. Se observa en lesiones nerviosas como en la sección incompleta de un nervio periférico. Medical Dictionary. 2011 … Diccionario médico
Causalgia — vgl. Kausalgie … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
causalgia — s. f. [Medicina] Dor pungente de queimadura … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
causalgia — [kô zal′jē ə, kô zal′jə] n. [ModL < Gr kausos, fever, heat (see CAUSTIC) + ALGIA] a condition of severe burning pain, usually caused by a peripheral nerve injury … English World dictionary
causalgia — The term causalgia comes from the Greek words kaiein (to heat, to set on fire) and algos (pain). It was introduced in 1867 by the American neurologist Silas Weir Mitchell (1829 1914) to denote a specific painful condition following injury to… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
causalgia — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Greek kausos fever (from kaiein to burn) + New Latin algia Date: 1872 a constant usually burning pain resulting from injury to a peripheral nerve • causalgic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
causalgia — noun An intense burning pain … Wiktionary
causalgia — Persistent severe burning pain, usually following injury of a peripheral nerve (especially median and tibial) or the brachial plexus, accompanied by trophic changes. [G. kausis, burning, + algos, pain] * * * cau·sal·gia kȯ zal j(ē )ə, sal … Medical dictionary
causàlgia — cau|sàl|gi|a Mot Esdrúixol Nom femení … Diccionari Català-Català
causalgia — cau·sal·gì·a s.f. TS neurol. dolore bruciante e molto intenso dovuto alla lesione di un nervo periferico Sinonimi: termalgia. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1956. ETIMO: comp. del gr. kaûsos calore intenso e di algia … Dizionario italiano