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Cataphora — In linguistics, cataphora is used to describe an expression that co refers with a later expression in the discourse. That is to say, the earlier expression refers to or describes a forward expression. For example, given: Finding the right gadget… … Wikipedia
cataphora — noun Etymology: cata + anaphora Date: 1976 the use of a grammatical substitute (as a pronoun) that has the same reference as a following word or phrase … New Collegiate Dictionary
cataphora — noun The use of a pronoun, or other linguistic unit, before the noun phrase to which it refers, sometimes used for rhetorical effect. Ant: anaphora … Wiktionary
cataphora — (ka ta fo ra) s. m. Terme de médecine. Assoupissement sans fièvre ni délire. ÉTYMOLOGIE Terme grec signifiant sommeil comateux ; proprement, action de jeter en bas, de en bas et porter … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
cataphora — n. grammatical situation in which a substitute word (e.g. pronoun) precedes the word to which it refers … English contemporary dictionary
cataphora — [kə taf(ə)rə] noun Grammar the use of a word referring to a word used later (e.g. the pronoun he in he may be approaching 37, but Jeff has no plans to retire yet). Compare with anaphora. Derivatives cataphoric katə fɒrɪk adjective cataphorically… … English new terms dictionary
cataphora — ca·taph·o·ra … English syllables
cataphora — ca•taph•o•ra [[t]kəˈtæf ər ə[/t]] n. ling. the use of a word or phrase to refer to a following word or group of words, as the use of the phrase as follows. Compare anaphora 1) • Etymology: cata + (ana) phora cat•a•phor•ic ˌkæt əˈfɔr ɪk, ˈfɒr adj … From formal English to slang
cataphora — kəˈtaf(ə)rə noun ( s) Etymology: cata + anaphora : the use of a grammatical substitute (as a pronoun) that has the same reference as a following word or phrase … Useful english dictionary
Loki der Quaeler — Infobox musical artist Name = Loki der Quaeler Background = non vocal instrumentalist Birth name = Matthew Demsey Born = December, 1970, Washington D.C. Instrument = Keyboards Genre = Industrial Occupation = Keyboardist / Research Mathematician… … Wikipedia