- catamountain
/kat'euh mown"tn/, n.a wild animal of the cat family, as the European wildcat, the leopard, or panther.Also, cat-o'-mountain.[1400-50; var. of CAT O' MOUNTAIN, late ME cat of the mountaine]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
catamountain — cat a*moun tain, cat a mountain cat a moun tain . 1. the bushy tailed European wildcat ({Felis silvestris}) resembling the domestic tabby and regarded as the ancestor of the domestic cat. Syn: European wildcat, {Felis silvestris}. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
catamountain — [kat΄ə mount′ n] n. [ CAT1 + obs. a, of + MOUNTAIN] Archaic any of several wildcats, esp. the leopard or the European wildcat … English World dictionary
catamountain — n. wild animal of the cat family (such as leopard or panther) regarded as the ancestor of the domestic cat … English contemporary dictionary
catamountain — cat•a•moun•tain [[t]ˌkæt əˈmaʊn tn[/t]] n. mam any wild cat, esp. the European wildcat • Etymology: 1400–50; < late ME cat of the mountaine … From formal English to slang
catamountain — /kætəˈmaʊntən/ (say katuh mowntuhn) noun any of various wild cats, especially one living in mountainous regions, as the European wildcat, puma, bobcat, or the leopard. Also, cat o mountain. {Middle English, telescoping of cat of the mountain} …
catamountain — n. 1 a lynx, leopard, puma, or other tiger cat. 2 a wild quarrelsome person. Etymology: ME f. cat of the mountain … Useful english dictionary
cat-a-mountain — catamountain cat a*moun tain, cat a mountain cat a moun tain . 1. the bushy tailed European wildcat ({Felis silvestris}) resembling the domestic tabby and regarded as the ancestor of the domestic cat. Syn: European wildcat, {Felis silvestris}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Felis silvestris — catamountain cat a*moun tain, cat a mountain cat a moun tain . 1. the bushy tailed European wildcat ({Felis silvestris}) resembling the domestic tabby and regarded as the ancestor of the domestic cat. Syn: European wildcat, {Felis silvestris}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Felis silvestris — catamountain cat a*moun tain, cat a mountain cat a moun tain . 1. the bushy tailed European wildcat ({Felis silvestris}) resembling the domestic tabby and regarded as the ancestor of the domestic cat. Syn: European wildcat, {Felis silvestris}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cat|a|mount — «KAT uh mownt», noun. 1. a) any one of several wild animals of the cat family, especially the cougar. (So called by early settlers in eastern North America.) b) a wildcat, such as a lynx. 2. = catamountain. (Cf. ↑catamountain) ╂[short for… … Useful english dictionary