
/kas"euhl ray', kah"seuhl-/, n.
Robert Stewart, Viscount (2nd Marquess of Londonderry), 1769-1822, British statesman.

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District (pop., 2001: 66,488), Northern Ireland.

Located southeast of Belfast, it was established in 1973. The area was settled in the 14th century by the O'Neill clan of Ulster, from whose main stronghold, Grey Castle (no longer extant), it takes its name. It is closely linked to eastern Belfast, the district seat, where many of its residents are employed.

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Irish  An Caisleán Riabhach 

      district, Northern Ireland, located directly southeast of Belfast, from where it is administered. Formerly astride Down and Antrim counties, Castlereagh was established as a district in 1973. Its rolling lowlands border the districts of Lisburn to the southwest, North Down to the north, Ards to the east, and Down to the south. What is now Castlereagh district was settled in the 14th century by the O'Neill clan of Ulster, whose main stronghold was Grey Castle (no longer extant) from which the district takes its name. Composed largely of post-World War II residential developments and having substantial agricultural land, Castlereagh is closely linked to eastern Belfast, where many of its residents are employed in shipbuilding, aircraft manufacturing, and related industries. There is an industrial park at the planned suburb of Newtownbreda. Castlereagh district is traversed by several roads extending southeast from Belfast. Area 32 square miles (84 square km). Pop. (2001) 66,488.

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  • Castlereagh — Borough Buirg an Chaisleáin Riabhaigh …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CASTLEREAGH (H. R. S.) — CASTLEREAGH HENRY ROBERT STEWART marquis de LONDONDERRY et vicomte (1769 1822) Né la même année que Napoléon et Wellington, issu comme ce dernier de l’aristocratie anglaise établie en Irlande du Nord, Castlereagh fait d’abord carrière dans… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Castlereagh [1] — Castlereagh (spr. Kässetrih), Marktflecken der Grafschaft Roscommon, der irischen Provinz Connaught; Arbeitshaus, Gefängniß; Vieh u. Wollmärkte; 1300 Ew.; nach Einigen Stammort des Lords gleiches Namens …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Castlereagh [2] — Castlereagh (spr. Kässetrih), Henry Robert Stewart, Marquis von Londonderry, Viscount C., geb. 1769 zu Mont Stewart in Irland, bereiste, nachdem er in Cambridge die Rechte studirt hatte, den Continent, wurde frühzeitig Mitglied des Irischen… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Castlereagh — (spr. kaßl rē), Henry Robert Stewart, Marquis von Londonderry, engl. Staatsmann, geb. 18. Juni 1769, gest. 13. Aug. 1822, studierte, wurde 1793 Mitglied des irischen Parlaments und unter dem Vizekönig Lord Camden, seinem Verwandten, Obersekretär… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Castlereagh — (spr. káhßlrih), Henry Robert Stewart, Viscount, Marquis von Londonderry, engl. Staatsmann, geb. 18. Juni 1769 zu Mount Stewart in Irland, 1804 9 abwechselnd Kriegs und Kolonialminister, seit 1812 als Minister des Auswärtigen die Seele der… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Castlereagh — (Kaßlreh), Henry Robert Stewart, Lord C., seit 1820 Viscount von Londonderry, geb. 18. Juni 1769 zu Mount Stewart in Irland, half als irisches Parlamentsmitglied die Union mit England zu Stande bringen, kam darauf in das Reichsparlament, wurde… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Castlereagh — Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, vizconde de * * * Distrito (pob., 2001: 66.488 hab.) de Irlanda del Norte. Se ubica al sudeste de Belfast, y se estableció como distrito en 1973. El clan O Neill de Ulster se instaló en esta región en el s. XIV, y su… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Castlereagh — [kas′əl rā΄, käs′əl rā΄] Viscount ( Robert Stewart) 2d Marquis of Londonderry 1769 1822; Brit. statesman, born in Ireland …   English World dictionary

  • Castlereagh — Robert Stewart Pour les articles homonymes, voir Ville de Hawkesbury. Robert Stewart Portrait par Thomas Lawrence …   Wikipédia en Français

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