- carpetbag
n.1. a bag for traveling, esp. one made of carpeting.v.i.2. to journey with little luggage.3. to act as a carpetbagger.[1820-30; CARPET + BAG]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Carpetbag — Car pet*bag , n. A portable bag for travelers; so called because originally made of carpet. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
carpetbag — (n.) soft cover traveling case made of carpet fabric, 1830, from CARPET (Cf. carpet) (n.) + BAG (Cf. bag) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
carpetbag — ☆ ☆ carpetbag [kär′pətbag΄] n. an old fashioned type of traveling bag, made of carpeting adj. of or having to do with carpetbaggers vi. carpetbagged, carpetbagging to act as a carpetbagger … English World dictionary
carpetbag — I noun traveling bag made of carpet; widely used in 19th century • Hypernyms: ↑bag, ↑traveling bag, ↑travelling bag, ↑grip, ↑suitcase II adjective 1. following the practices or characteristic of carpetbaggers … Useful english dictionary
carpetbag — UK [ˈkɑː(r)pɪtˌbæɡ] / US [ˈkɑrpətˌbæɡ] noun [countable] Word forms carpetbag : singular carpetbag plural carpetbags a bag that you use when travelling, made from very thick cloth … English dictionary
carpetbag — I. noun Date: 1829 a traveler s bag made of carpet and widely used in the United States in the 19th century II. adjective or carpetbagging Date: 1870 of, relating to, or characteristic of carpetbaggers < a carpetbag government > … New Collegiate Dictionary
carpetbag — 1. adjective having the characteristics of carpetbaggers carpetbag travels 2. noun A traveling bag made from carpet scraps used primarily in the United States in the 19 century. 3. verb To come to a place or organisation with which one has no… … Wiktionary
carpetbag judges — Colloquial term used to describe northern judges during the post Civil War era who traveled to the South to serve on southern courts, typically for personal gain. Carpetbag refers to the judges practice of carrying their possessions with them in… … Law dictionary
Carpetbag steak — Beefbox name = Beef Cuts caption = beefcut = Rib steaktype = Scotch fillet footnotes = Also known as: Delmonico steak, scotch fillet, beauty steak, market steak, Spencer steak, Entrecôte Carpetbag steak is a uniquely Australian dish that was… … Wikipedia
carpetbag steak — noun : a thick piece of steak in which a pocket is cut and stuffed (as with oysters) * * * carpetbag steak noun A beefsteak stuffed with oysters • • • Main Entry: ↑carpet … Useful english dictionary