
/kahr mahr"dheuhn/, n.
1. a seaport in Dyfed, in S Wales. 49,900.
2. Carmarthenshire.

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Town (pop., 1991: 13,524), administrative centre of the county of Carmarthenshire, southern Wales.

It lies on the Afon Tywi above the mouth of the Bristol Channel. Both the Romans and Normans built strongholds there. An Augustinian priory dating from the Norman period once housed the Black Book of Carmarthen (с 1250), which is the oldest Welsh manuscript extant.

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Welsh  Caerfyrddin 

      town, administrative centre of the historic and present county of Carmarthenshire (Sir Gaerfyrddin), Wales. The town of Carmarthen is located on the River Tywi 8 miles (13 km) above its Bristol Channel mouth. Recognizing the site's strategic importance, both Romans and Normans built strongholds at Carmarthen, which commands a major river crossing on the coastal route across South Wales at the point where the Tywi valley offers an easy penetration northward into central Wales. During the medieval period Carmarthen became one of the most important boroughs in Wales, receiving many charters, notably from Henry III in 1227, and Edward III in 1353 made the town the sole wool staple (market) for Wales. It had an Augustinian priory, dating from the Norman period, which housed the oldest extant Welsh manuscript, the Black Book of Carmarthen (c. 11701230). A market centre for a prosperous agricultural hinterland, Carmarthen was also a busy river port. After 1747 some iron smelting was carried on in the town, to which was added tinplate manufacture until 1900. Although some industrynotably milk processingexists today, Carmarthen gives little impression of an industrial town. Instead it is an agricultural market town and a busy shopping centre. Its guildhall was built about 1770 on the site of an earlier one dating from 1583, and St. Peter's Church is largely of 14th-century construction. The Norman castle is now in ruins. Associated with the town have been the Welsh national heroes Llywelyn the Great ( Llywelyn Ap Iorwerth) and Owen Glendower (Glendower, Owen) (Owain Glyndwr); the writer Sir Richard Steele (Steele, Sir Richard) (buried in St. Peter's Church); and the Georgian architect John Nash (Nash, John). Pop. (2001) 13,130.

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