
/kahr'meuhn yohl"/; Fr. /kannrdd mann nyawl"/, n., pl. carmagnoles /-meuhn yohlz"/; Fr. /-mann nyawl"/.
1. a dance and song popular during the French Revolution.
2. a man's loose jacket with wide lapels and metal buttons, worn during the French Revolution.
3. the costume of the French revolutionists, consisting chiefly of this jacket, black pantaloons, and a red liberty cap.
[1790-1800; < F, after the name of a ceremonial jacket worn by peasants of Dauphiné and Savoy, named after Carmagnola, town in Piedmont, Italy]

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▪ French dance and clothing
      originally, a Piedmontese peasant costume (from the Italian town of Carmagnola) that was well known in the south of France and brought to Paris by the revolutionaries of Marseille in 1792.

      The costume, later the popular dress of the Jacobins, consisted of a short-skirted coat with rows of metal buttons, a tricoloured waistcoat, and red cap. The name carmagnole was also applied to a famous Revolutionary (French revolutionary and Napoleonic wars) song and dance widely performed during the Reign of Terror.

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