
/kahr"di geuhn/, n.
a usually collarless knitted sweater or jacket that opens down the front. Also called cardigan sweater, cardigan jacket.
[1865-70; named after J. T. Brudnell, 7th Earl of Cardigan (1797-1868), British cavalryman of Crimean War fame]

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Welsh  Aberteifi 

      town, Ceredigion county (historic county of Cardiganshire), Wales. The town grew up adjacent to a 12th-century Norman castle overlooking the River Teifi. An arched bridge across the river is said to date from 1136. In 1176 the Welsh prince and justiciar Lord Rhys (Rhys ap Gruffudd) sponsored the first recorded National eisteddfod (bardic assembly for poetry and music) of Wales, in the castle precinct; some 30,000 people attended. The town's first charter was granted in 1284. Cardigan served as a local market centre and was also a small Irish Sea port but declined during the 19th century. Its historic role as county town (seat) of Cardiganshire also declined, with the growth of Aberystwyth 40 miles (64 km) northeast. Cardigan is a modest tourist centre, close to attractive coastal and country scenery. The River Teifi and its tributaries provide good fishing. Pop. (2001) 4,203.

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  • Cardigan —    , CARDIGAN SWEATER    James Thomas Brudenell (1797 1863), who became the seventh Earl of Cardigan upon his father s death, and for whom the cardigan sweater was named because he was frequently seen wearing that collarless sweater with buttons… …   Dictionary of eponyms

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  • cardigan — [kär′di gən] n. [after 7th Earl of Cardigan (1797 1868), Eng general] a sweater or jacket, usually knitted, that opens down the front and is usually collarless and long sleeved: also cardigan sweater (or jacket) …   English World dictionary

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  • Cardigan — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Mapa de Dyfed Localidad británica situada al oeste de Gales, en el condado de Dyfed. En galés, Aberteifi. 4.082 habitantes. Fundada en 1093 por el normando Roger de Montgomery. Se encuentra hermanada con la localidad …   Wikipedia Español

  • Cardigan — (spr. Kärdigän), 1) Grafschaft im englischen Fürstenthum Wales, 362/3 QM., grenzt im N. an die Grafschaften Merioneth u. Montgomery, im O. an Radnor u. Brecknock, im S. an Caermarthen u. Pembroke, im W. an die Cardiganbai (zum Irischen Meer… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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