- card
/kahrd/, n.1. a usually rectangular piece of stiff paper, thin pasteboard, or plastic for various uses, as to write information on or printed as a means of identifying the holder: a 3" × 5" file card; a membership card.2. one of a set of thin pieces of cardboard with spots, figures, etc., used in playing various games; playing card.a. a game or games played with such a set.b. the playing of such a game: to win at cards.c. Casino. the winning of 27 cards or more.d. Whist. tricks won in excess of six.4. Also called greeting card. a piece of paper or thin cardboard, usually folded, printed with a message of holiday greeting, congratulations, or other sentiment, often with an illustration or decorations, for mailing to a person on an appropriate occasion.5. something useful in attaining an objective, as a course of action or position of strength, comparable to a high card held in a game: If negotiation fails, we still have another card to play.6. postcard.8. Com.9. a program of the events at races, boxing matches, etc.10. scorecard.11. a menu or wine list.13. Computers.15. Informal.a. a person who is amusing or facetious.b. any person, esp. one with some indicated characteristic: a queer card.16. in or on the cards, impending or likely; probable: A reorganization is in the cards.17. play one's cards right, to act cleverly, sensibly, or cautiously: If you play your cards right, you may get mentioned in her will.18. put one's cards on the table, to be completely straightforward and open; conceal nothing: He always believed in putting his cards on the table.v.t.19. to provide with a card.20. to fasten on a card.21. to write, list, etc., on cards.22. Slang. to examine the identity card or papers of: The bartender was carding all youthful customers to be sure they were of legal drinking age.[1350-1400; ME carde, unexplained var. of CARTE]card2—carder, n.1. a machine for combing and paralleling fibers of cotton, flax, wool, etc., prior to spinning to remove short, undesirable fibers and produce a sliver.2. a similar implement for raising the nap on cloth.v.t.3. to dress (wool or the like) with a card.4. card out, Print. to add extra space between lines of text, so as to fill out a page or column or give the text a better appearance.[1325-75; ME carde < MF: lit., teasel head < LL cardus thistle, var. of L carduus]
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(as used in expressions)audio card* * *
Universalium. 2010.