
/kahr'beuh nif"euhr euhs/, Geol.
1. noting or pertaining to a period of the Paleozoic Era, including the Pennsylvanian and Mississippian periods as epochs, occurring from 345 million to 280 million years ago. See table under geologic time.
2. (l.c.) producing carbon or coal.
3. the Carboniferous Period or System.
[1790-1800; < L carbon- (s. of carbo) coal + -I- + -FEROUS]

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  • Carboniferous — Car bon*if er*ous (k[aum]r b[o^]n*[i^]f [ e]r*[u^]s), a. [Carbon + ferous.] Producing or containing carbon or coal. [1913 Webster] {Carboniferous age} (Geol.), the age immediately following the Devonian, or Age of fishes, and characterized by the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • carboniferous — [kär΄bə nif′ər əs] adj. [ CARBON + I + FEROUS] 1. producing or containing carbon or coal 2. [usually C ] designating or of the fifth geologic period of the Paleozoic Era, subdivided into the Pennsylvanian (the Upper Carboniferous) and the… …   English World dictionary

  • Carboniferous — 1830 as an adj. with reference the geological period, from a word formed in English 1799 from L. carbo (gen. carbonis) coal (see CARBON (Cf. carbon)) + ferous producing, containing, bearing. The great coal beds of Europe were laid down during… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Carboniferous — ► ADJECTIVE Geology ▪ relating to the fifth period of the Palaeozoic era (between the Devonian and Permian periods, about 363 to 290 million years ago), a time when extensive coal bearing strata were formed …   English terms dictionary

  • Carboniferous — For the album by Zu see Carboniferous (album). Carboniferous Period 359.2–299 million years ago …   Wikipedia

  • Carboniferous — /kabəˈnɪfərəs / (say kahbuh nifuhruhs) adjective 1. relating to a geological period or a system of rocks preceding the Permian, and following the Devonian; divided into Upper Carboniferous, Lower Carboniferous, and sometimes Middle Carboniferous …  

  • Carboniferous — karbonas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Žemės geologinės istorijos paleozojaus eros penktasis periodas, buvęs po devono, prieš permą; per tą laikotarpį susidariusių uolienų sistema. Prasidėjo prieš Carboniferous360 mln. m …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • carboniferous — adj. & n. adj. 1 producing coal. 2 (Carboniferous) Geol. of or relating to the fifth period in the Palaeozoic era, with evidence of the first reptiles and extensive coal forming swamp forests. Usage: Cf. Appendix II. n. (Carboniferous) Geol. this …   Useful english dictionary

  • Carboniferous — adj. & n. adj. 1 producing coal. 2 (Carboniferous) Geol. of or relating to the fifth period in the Palaeozoic era, with evidence of the first reptiles and extensive coal forming swamp forests. Usage: Cf. Appendix II. n. (Carboniferous) Geol. this …   Useful english dictionary

  • carboniferous — adjective Date: 1799 1. producing or containing carbon or coal 2. capitalized of, relating to, or being the period of the Paleozoic era between the Devonian and the Permian or the corresponding system of rocks that includes coal beds see geologic …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Carboniferous — noun see carboniferous …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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