- Caracas
/keuh rah"keuhs/; Sp. /kah rddah"kahs/, n.a city in and the capital of Venezuela, in the N part. 1,035,499.
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Its Caribbean Sea port is La Guaira. Lying at an elevation of about 3,000 ft (9,000 m), Caracas is one of the most developed cities in Latin America. It was founded in 1567 by Diego de Losada; in 1595 it was sacked by the English. It is the birthplace of Simón Bolívar (1783), under whose leadership it became the first colony to revolt against Spain (с 1810). Caracas has become the country's primary centre of industry, commerce, education, and culture.* * *
Introductioncity, capital of Venezuela, and one of the principal cities of South America. It is Venezuela's largest urban agglomeration and the country's primary centre of industry, commerce, education, and culture. Founded in 1567 as Santiago de León de Caracas, the city grew slowly until the 1940s, after which it expanded by monumental proportions and its influence came to extend to even the remotest parts of the country. In addition to its role as the national capital, Caracas serves as the seat of government for the Capital District, comprising an area of 167 square miles (433 square km). The city itself, however, spreads across the Capital District boundary, a considerable part of its area lying in the state of Miranda, which borders the district on the east and south. Pop. (2001) 1,836,000; (2005 est.) urban agglom., 2,913,000.The physical setting of Caracas is impressive. Steep mountains of the Venezuelan coastal range rise abruptly from the Caribbean Sea, affording little level land for urban development. About 7 miles (11 km) southward, beyond this mountainous wall, the city spreads out in a valley. Its elevation at the centre of Caracas is 3,025 feet (922 metres), and the valley extends about 15 miles (25 km) in an east–west direction. Almost all of its inhabitable area is occupied by the city, and this once green and peaceful valley is now crisscrossed by streets and highways. The valley is subject to earthquakes, including notable ones in 1755, 1812, and 1967.Physical and human geographyLandscapeCity siteThe Andes Mountain (Andes Mountains)s extend eastward from Colombia across all of northern Venezuela to the island of Trinidad. The site of Caracas is a high rift valley within this system; hence, mountains enclose the city at all cardinal points. The Cordillera del Litoral, which rises above 8,600 feet (2,600 metres) at the Pico Oriental and above 7,000 feet (2,100 metres) at El Avila, towers high above the city and limits its expansion northward. The Serranía del Interior, to the south, is lower but nevertheless rugged. The principal river draining the valley is the Guaire, once relatively large but now reduced in volume and highly polluted. Its principal affluent in the metropolitan area is the Río El Valle, and others include the Quebrada Baruta and Quebrada Anauco.Climatic conditions and natural vegetation in the coastal range form an extremely complex pattern. Temperatures generally decrease with increasing elevation, and rainfall and humidity are high on slopes that face eastward toward the prevailing winds. The decisive climatic factor in the valley is elevation. Temperatures range from 45 to 91 °F (7 to 33 °C), the annual mean being about 70 °F (21 °C). In contrast, the average temperature at La Guaira, at sea level, just 10 miles (16 km) away, is 81 °F (27 °C). The seasonal range of temperature in Caracas between the average of the coldest month (January) and that of the warmest month (May) is only 5 °F, considerably less than the normal diurnal range. Annual precipitation totals about 32 inches (800 mm). There is a distinct rainy season from May through November, which accounts for more than four-fifths of the total annual precipitation and features warm, humid weather. In contrast is the dry season, from December through April, characterized by clear skies and pleasantly cool temperatures.The higher mountain slopes, especially to the north, often have a thick cloud cover. There a fairly abundant vegetation, including forest remnants, remains green throughout the year. Other patches of luxuriant vegetation are preserved in the major parks of the city and in its various gardens, including the Botanical Garden. Where barren slopes prevail, erosion is a serious problem. Bird life, once exceeding 100 species in the valley, has been reduced dramatically.City layoutThe nucleus of Caracas is near the western margin of the valley adjacent to the hill of El Calvario Park, which offers a panoramic view of the city. There, centred around the Plaza Bolívar, are many historic buildings reflecting the colonial past, including the Caracas Cathedral, the National Capitol, the Municipal Council building, the birthplace of Simón Bolívar (Bolívar, Simón), and Miraflores Palace, which serves as the official residence of the president of the republic. Only a short distance away is the National Pantheon, with the tomb of Bolívar and those of other national heroes. The twin towers of the Simón Bolívar Centre are also located nearby. Once the tallest buildings in the country, these 30-story structures house various ministries of the national government.Increasingly, the civic centre of Caracas is moving eastward toward the Parque Central and Plaza Venezuela. This district focuses around a monument to Christopher Columbus (Columbus, Christopher), but more conspicuous is a cluster of skyscrapers, including another set of twin towers that are among the tallest buildings in all of Latin America. Begun in 1971, these structures soar to a height of 725 feet (221 metres) above street level. Planned to house the main offices of the national government, each tower is equipped for helicopter landings on its roof and affords a spectacular view of the entire valley. After a devastating fire in 2004, the east tower required extensive reconstruction. Nearby are a number of other important city landmarks, including the Botanical Garden, several museums, Parque Los Caobos, and the Central University of Venezuela.Still farther eastward the principal landmarks of the city are the Caracas Country Club, the Parque Nacional del Este, and the Francisco de Miranda Airport. The city has also expanded southward over the hillsides and along valleys tributary to the Guaire River.PeopleThe people of Caracas, like those of Venezuela as a whole, are primarily mestizo. To this mixture of white and native Indian ancestry is added a lesser strain of black African origin. There are few people of Asian background, but since World War II there has been a relatively heavy influx of Europeans. During the 1950s, particularly, large numbers of Spaniards, Portuguese, and Italians settled in Caracas. By 1956, Caracas and the Federal District were the home of 42 percent of Venezuela's 438,000 foreign residents. These immigrants and their descendants have tended to concentrate in certain barrios, or neighbourhoods, of the city. Internal migration has added significantly to the population growth rate of the capital city, as has a high index of natural fertility. The primary source of migrants is the western Andean region, particularly the states of Táchira, Mérida, and Trujillo, although Caracas likewise serves as a magnet, attracting people from all other parts of the republic.Social-class divisions are quite sharp in Caracas, as elsewhere in South America, and are reflected in the occupancy of residential areas. Members of the upper class first gained wealth and status in Venezuela through landownership and more recently through industry, commerce, and urban real estate. Their homes are luxurious and generally occupy the eastern margins of the valley and the Caribbean coast. The middle class has developed largely in relation to the country's petroleum wealth and recent European immigration. Middle-class housing occupies the central core of the city, plus certain residential suburbs. The lower social class, composed of labourers, servants, and the unemployed, occupies the hillside shantytowns overlooking the city from the west and south.Roman Catholicism has been the predominant religion of Caracas since the earliest settlement, but other religions are practiced. Spanish is the most widely spoken language, although English is also commonly used in hotels, restaurants, and other tourist-related facilities.EconomyCaracas is in many ways the centre of everything Venezuelan. This was particularly true in relation to industry and commerce until the 1950s, when the national government began to promote industrial decentralization. Still, Caracas remains the leading manufacturing centre, with emphasis on textiles and clothing; processed foods and beverages; tobacco products; wood, paper, and printing; clay and stone products; rubber and leather goods; glass, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals; and metalware and plastics. The relative importance of manufacturing has decreased rapidly, however, as new industries have been developed elsewhere in the republic and those that pollute the environment are required to move from the city to less-populated areas.Finance and other servicesMost important in the economic life of Caracas is the tertiary, or service, sector. This includes wholesale and retail trade, transportation and public utilities, education and health care, and especially government. The city serves as headquarters for most of Venezuela's commercial and industrial firms, its banks and insurance companies, and government agencies both foreign and domestic. Nearly all countries of the world maintain embassies or consulates within the city. In Caracas, as in any city of dynamic growth, the construction trades are yet another source of livelihood. Chronic unemployment nevertheless remains and is only partially relieved by activities such as street vending, peddling, and shoe shining.Caracas is linked directly with other major urban centres of the world by air and ocean transport. Maiquetía Airport, located 10 miles (16 km) by road from Caracas on the coast, provides international connections as well as domestic flights to all parts of the republic. Two smaller airports, La Carlota and Francisco de Miranda, also serve the city. La Guaira and, to a lesser extent, Puerto Cabello are the natural seaports for Caracas and handle most of its import and export trade. A modern superhighway, including two long tunnels through the mountains, leads from Caracas to Maiquetía, La Guaira, and various beaches and resort areas along the coast. It was opened in 1953 to replace a tortuous 21-mile (34-km) zigzag route.Within the city large numbers of buses, private automobiles, and taxis provide transportation, but during rush hours they clog the streets in what has become an increasing problem of traffic congestion. The public transportation system, although deficient, improved greatly with the inauguration, in 1983, of a modern subway system. Traffic is also facilitated by a system of autopistas, multilane divided highways extending east–west through the valley and connecting the city with interior locations. Railroads, which once provided Caracas with vital links to the sea and to interior valleys, have been abandoned in favour of highway transportation.Administration and societyCaracas is the seat of the national government, which includes executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The city itself is governed through the Metropolitan District of Caracas, which administers the entire Capital District and four municipalities in the neighbouring state of Miranda. Also influential in local affairs, since the early days of colonial settlement, is the Municipal Council of Caracas. Caracas has been the seat of a bishopric of the Roman Catholic Church since 1535 and of an archbishopric since 1804.Municipal services and healthFor almost three centuries of settlement in the valley, local water supplies were considered abundant. Not until 1940 did water shortages become critical, but since that date a continued search for new sources has been required to meet the city's growing demand. La Mariposa and Agua Fría dams were completed in 1949, and in 1956 an aqueduct from the Tuy River to La Mariposa reservoir brought water for the first time from a source outside the valley. Water supply remains one of the most critical problems to be resolved as the city continues to grow. Also of major concern are waste disposal, contamination, and pollution. Raw sewage is discharged directly into the Guaire River, and air pollution results from industry and severe traffic congestion within the relatively small, enclosed valley.Caracas has had electric power since 1897 and is now included within a national electrification grid. Natural gas is supplied by pipelines from Guárico and Anzoátegui states in the eastern Llanos region of Venezuela.In the last half of the 20th century, both government and private investments in Venezuela focused on Caracas, with the result that the city prospered beyond all others. Immigrants have arrived in massive numbers from the rest of Venezuela, as well as from most European countries. A high birth rate contributes an additional dimension to population growth and to a severe housing problem.Increasingly, Caracas has become a city of high-rise apartments that provide clean, modern, and attractive housing. Yet sprawled across the hillsides are countless thousands of ranchitos, homes constructed of corrugated metal, cardboard, or other scrap materials. The construction of new housing is impressive but remains totally inadequate to meet the continually increasing demand. Since the 1960s, large blocks of uniform dwellings have gradually replaced old homes in the Spanish colonial style, of which few now remain.Health facilities in Caracas, like those of most large urban centres, have been challenged by the rapidly growing population, pollution, and the problems of treating a large poor population. Within the metropolitan area there are numerous clinics, sanatoriums, hospitals, and rest homes that provide health care for the capital's inhabitants.Considerable emphasis has been placed on education in Caracas. There are five sectors of education, both public and private: primary, secondary, normal, arts and trades, and university. The city also has numerous kindergartens and day-care centres for those under six years of age. The leading institution of higher education is the Central University of Venezuela (also known as the University of Caracas), founded in 1725. Construction of a new campus, called Ciudad Universitaria (University City), began in 1945. Designed by Carlos Raúl Villanueva (Villanueva, Carlos Raúl), Ciudad Universitaria was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2000 in recognition of being an excellent example of modernist architecture. Other higher-educational institutions include Simón Bolívar University, which is public and oriented toward science and technology, and the private Andrés Bello Catholic, Metropolitan, and Santa María universities. Among other noteworthy educational centres are an institute of hygiene, a polytechnic institute, normal schools for girls and for boys, and a military academy.Cultural lifeLike many world capitals, Caracas is the main focus of the country's cultural life. Among the numerous types of cultural activities are theatre, exhibitions of painting and sculpture, concerts, dance, and film. The principal cultural institutions include the Ateneo de Caracas, an ultramodern theatre inaugurated in 1983; the academy of the language; and the academies of history, medicine, and political and social sciences. Also located in Caracas are the national library, numerous other libraries, natural and fine arts museums, art galleries, municipal and national theatres, and an institute of cultural and fine arts.Caracas is amply served by radio, television, and the press. Venezuela's first newspaper, the Gaceta de Caracas, began publication in 1808 and was dedicated to the cause of national independence. Today Venezuela's major newspapers are still based in Caracas, including Ultimas Noticias, El Nacional, El Mundo, and El Universal. These papers are distributed throughout the republic, as printing and publishing elsewhere in Venezuela are much less developed. There is a wide variety of radio broadcasting from many stations, and the national radio broadcasting organization is headquartered in Caracas; television, first broadcast in 1953, is popular at all sociocultural levels.Caracas, with its mild climate and excellent facilities, affords its citizens ample opportunity to express their interest in sports and recreation. Baseball and football (soccer), the leading national sports, are concentrated in Caracas. The city also has a horse-racing facility, widely renowned for its beauty, and a bullring that is the site of several events per year. There are many golf courses, swimming pools, and tennis courts, and the mountains and beaches along the Caribbean coast also offer recreational opportunities. The city abounds with public gardens and plazas and many people are attracted to its zoo, museums, historic buildings, and boulevards. The most popular parks are the huge Parque Nacional el Avila (a forest preserve on the Cerro El Avila), Parque Los Caobos, the Botanical Garden, and the Parque Nacional del Este.HistoryThe settlement of Caracas occurred more than 40 years after that of Cumaná (1523), to the east, and Coro (1527), to the west. A ranch was established in the valley in 1557 by Francisco Fajardo, the son of a Spanish captain and an Indian chief's daughter, and in 1561 Juan Rodríguez Suárez founded a town on the site of the ranch; but the town was soon destroyed by Indian attacks. The conquest and resettlement of the region began in 1566, and Diego de Losada is credited with the actual founding of the city in 1567. He named it Santiago de León de Caracas in honour of the apostle James, who is the patron saint of Spain, Don Pedro Ponce de León, who was the provincial governor, and the Caracas Indians, who inhabited the region.In 1578 the city was a quadrilateral formed of 24 squares centred on a plaza. The streets were straight and cobbled, and rivulets of water from the hills ran along their margins. Three houses were made of brick, each of two floors, with straw roofs; most houses had walls of bajareque (cane and earth), packed earth, or adobe and roofs of straw or tile. During this era, the average house of the upper class was large, with tree-filled patios and arcades and with separate slave quarters and stable. Initial growth was along the road to the north and then to the south. Later, development advanced to the west and east.The cabildo, or town council, of Caracas increasingly exercised authority over the entire central portion of Venezuela, and an elite group emerged to manage the political and economic affairs of the city. In 1577 Caracas acquired its status as a provincial capital. The city was sacked by English buccaneers in 1595, and its buildings were almost totally destroyed by two earthquakes in 1755 and 1812. During the 17th and 18th centuries, however, Caracas gradually emerged as the predominant urban centre of Venezuela. The Indian resistance to settlement was quickly overcome, in part owing to an epidemic of smallpox that decimated the native population. The valley was relatively free from pirate attacks, despite its central location near the north coast of the country. The valley itself and adjacent valleys produced some gold and then became important for exportation of cacao (cocoa), the source of chocolate. In addition, Caracas offered a healthful, comfortable climate and an abundance of fresh water.José Ramón Medina C.W. MinkelSimón Bolívar (Bolívar, Simón), the most renowned of South American heroes, was born in Caracas on July 24, 1783, into a family long prominent in Venezuelan affairs. Bolívar participated in the formation of the short-lived first republic (1811–12), and two years later he invaded Venezuela with a small force recruited in New Granada (New Granada, Viceroyalty of). After he captured Caracas in August 1813, the city conferred on him the title El Libertador (“The Liberator”). A year later Bolívar's patriotic forces were in full retreat, but, when Gran Colombia (present-day Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, and Ecuador) finally won independence in 1821, Caracas became the capital of Venezuela; the city retained that distinction when Venezuela seceded from Gran Colombia in 1830. However, because Caracas had been heavily damaged during the wars of independence, it did not prosper again until the latter part of the 19th century.In 1870, the urban transformation of Caracas began under Pres. Antonio Guzmán Blanco (Guzmán Blanco, Antonio). When not actually residing in Paris and ruling Venezuela through a puppet president, Guzmán Blanco was busily trying to make Caracas a replica of the French capital. The French architectural taste of that period replaced the Spanish colonial style. Avenues were built, and some streets were widened to encourage the growth of the city, which had attained a population of nearly 56,000 by 1881. The Caracas and La Guaira Railway was inaugurated, with pomp and ceremony, in 1883. This railroad climbed the steep coastal range and connected the Venezuelan capital with its Caribbean seaport. In the early 20th century, Caracas's first urban real estate development, designed for the upper class, was built in suburban El Paraíso. A short time later, a development for the middle class was begun in Catia, to the west.Beginning in 1936, after the death of Gen. Juan Vicente Gómez (Gómez, Juan Vicente), who had been dictator for 27 years, the country experienced a new era of prosperity based on petroleum exploitation. Construction was extended as far as geographically possible. In the downtown area of the city, El Silencio district was transformed into a huge middle-income residential-commercial building complex. This development, programmed in 1939 together with a Regulating Plan for Caracas, was the first work of such magnitude in the country; it marked the beginning of the city's modern architectural trend. In addition, the city's population more than doubled, swelling from about 200,000 in 1936 to 500,000 in 1950, with a total metropolitan population of nearly 700,000.During the period 1952–57 Venezuela was ruled by another military dictator, Marcos Pérez Jiménez (Pérez Jiménez, Marcos), who was part of the military junta that previously ruled Venezuela (1950–52). Jiménez devoted primary attention to the modernization of Caracas: slums were cleared and replaced by colourful high-rise apartments, and superhighways were built to connect Caracas with the coast and with the interior. The change in the appearance of Caracas was abrupt and overwhelming. The old city began to disappear as commercial and government buildings were erected at a feverish pace in the valley.At the same time, numerous shantytowns sprang up virtually overnight on the hillsides as migrants from rural districts sought employment and improved conditions in the capital. Initially the slums were characterized by shelters built of scrap materials and by crowded, unsanitary conditions. Over the years many slums have been transformed into working-class communities of cement or brick houses lining paved streets; however, piped water, sewers, and other amenities are still lacking in many areas. In addition to these difficulties, the urban poor in Caracas have been susceptible to commodity shortages and price fluctuations. In 1989, following a hike in bus fares, masses of looters and rioters descended from the slums to the main business districts, where hundreds were shot and killed by federal troops. In addition, slums on the steeper hillsides have been particularly vulnerable to natural disasters, such as the major earthquake that struck in 1967 and flash floods and mud slides in 1999 that killed thousands of people in the metropolitan area.The population of Caracas grew rapidly from the 1950s to the early 1970s, by which time nearly 1.7 million people crowded the city proper and about 500,000 more occupied the urban rim. The rate of increase subsequently slowed, partly because of government efforts to limit the growth of the capital. About 2 million people lived in the city in the early 21st century.Despite its considerable problems, Caracas has remained a dominant force in Venezuelan national life. It is regarded as one of Latin America's more-developed urban centres because of its dynamic business districts, high-rise apartments and office buildings, and bustling superhighways, which have been extended in an attempt to keep pace with Venezuelans' growing dependence on privately owned automobiles.Additional ReadingRodolfo Quintero (ed.), Estudio de Caracas (1967– ), is a comprehensive multivolume analysis of ecological, economic, technological, and other aspects of the city. José Manuel Guevara Díaz, Geografía de las regiones central y capital (1983), is part of a series on the geography of Venezuela. Soledad Mendoza (ed.), Así es Caracas (1980), includes numerous photographs; Graziano Gasparini and Juan Pedro Posani, Caracas: a través de su arquitectura (1969), extensively examines the city's architecture. Aspects of poverty and violence are examined in Patricia C. Márquez, The Street Is My Home: Youth and Violence in Caracas (1999).Works with a historical focus include Claudio Perna, Evolución de la geografía urbana de Caracas (1981); John V. Lombardi, Venezuela: The Search for Order, the Dream of Progress (1982), which emphasizes the national dominance of Caracas; and Carlos Eduardo Misle, Sabor de Caracas, 2nd ed. (1981). Donna Keyse Rudolph and G.A. Rudolph, Historical Dictionary of Venezuela, 2nd ed., rev., enlarged, and updated (1995), includes entries on the people and events that have shaped Caracas.José Ramón Medina C.W. Minkel* * *
Universalium. 2010.