
/kap"steuhn, -stan/, n.
1. any of various windlasses, rotated in a horizontal plane by hand or machinery, for winding in ropes, cables, etc.
2. a rotating spindle or shaft, powered by an electric motor, that transports magnetic tape past the heads of a tape recorder at a constant speed.
[1350-1400; ME < MF cabestan(t) < OPr cabestan, var. of cabestran, presumably prp. of *cabest(r)ar, a v. deriv. of cabestre halter < L capistrum]

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Mechanical device used chiefly on board ships or in shipyards for moving heavy weights by means of ropes, cables, or chains.

A capstan consists of a drum, driven either manually or by steam or electricity, that rotates about a vertical axis to wind in a line wrapped around it. The grip between the line and the drum depends on friction and on the number of times the line is wrapped around the drum. A notched track (ratchet) on the base plate and pawls attached to the drum prevent backward rotation.

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mechanical device
      mechanical device used chiefly on board ships or in shipyards for moving heavy weights by means of ropes, cables, or chains. Capstans also have been used in railroad yards for spotting (positioning) freight cars. A capstan consists of a drum, driven either manually or by steam or electricity, that rotates about a vertical axis to wind in a line (rope, cable, or chain) that has been wrapped around it (see illustration). The grip between the line and the drum depends on friction and on the number of times the line is wrapped around the drum. Speed of drawing in the load can be controlled by allowing partial slippage of the line around the capstan. A notched track (ratchet) on the base plate and pawls attached to the drum prevent backward rotation.

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