- Cape pondweed
an aquatic plant, Aponogeton distachyus, of the Cape of Good Hope, having floating leaves and tiny, fragrant white flowers. Also called water hawthorn.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Cape-pondweed — dvivarpė plūdrė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Plūdrinių šeimos daržovinis, dekoratyvinis augalas (Aponogeton distachyos), paplitęs Afrikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Aponogeton distachyos angl. Cape pondweed; water hawthorn šaltinis Valstybinės… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Cape pondweed — /keɪp ˈpɒndwid/ (say kayp pondweed) noun a perennial aquatic herb with floating leaves, Aponogeton distachyos, native to southern Africa often planted and naturalised elsewhere …
cape pondweed — noun Usage: usually capitalized C Etymology: from Cape of Good Hope : a southern African aquatic plant (Aponogeton distachyus) with long petioled floating leaves and emersed fragrant flower spikes called also water hawthorn * * * an aquatic plant … Useful english dictionary
pondweed — /pond weed /, n. any aquatic plant of the genus Potamogeton, most species of which grow in ponds and quiet streams. [1570 80; POND + WEED1] * * * ▪ plant any of several cosmopolitan freshwater plants sometimes grown in ponds or aquariums.… … Universalium
South African cuisine — Potjiekos, literally translated small pot food , is a stew prepared outdoors in a traditional round, cast iron, three legged pot. This one is being cooked on a barbecue … Wikipedia
Cuisine of South Africa — has had a variety of sources and stages:*Cookery practised by indigenous people of South Africa such as the Khoisan and Xhosa and Sotho speaking people *Settler cookery introduced during the colonial period by people of Indian and Afrikaner and… … Wikipedia
Waterblommetjiebredie — Waterblommetjie bredie is a stew. The name comes from the Afrikaans language and literally means small water flower stew . It is made of meat, usually lamb or mutton, stewed together with a flower (known in English as Cape Pondweed, Cape Hawthorn … Wikipedia
Aponogeton distachyos — Taxobox name = Aponogeton distachyos image width = 240px image caption = Aponogeton distachyos regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Liliopsida ordo = Alismatales familia = Aponogetonaceae genus = Aponogeton binomial = Aponogeton… … Wikipedia
Gastronomía de Sudáfrica — Cocina tradicional de sudáfrica. Unos koeksisters. La gastr … Wikipedia Español
Aponogetonaceae — Taxobox name = Aponogetonaceae image width = 240px image caption = Aponogeton distachyos regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Liliopsida ordo = Alismatales familia = Aponogetonaceae familia authority = J.Agardh subdivision ranks =… … Wikipedia