Camp David Accords

Camp David Accords
a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt issuing from talks at Camp David between Egyptian President Sadat, Israeli Prime Minister Begin, and the host, U.S. President Carter: signed in 1979.

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(1978) Two agreements reached between Menachem Begin of Israel and Anwar el-Sādāt of Egypt with the help of U.S. President Jimmy Carter at Camp David, Md.

, U.S. One agreement created a framework for negotiations to arrive at a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, formally ending some 30 years of being in a state of war. This treaty, normalizing relations, was signed in 1979 and led to the return of the Sinai Peninsula, occupied by Israel in the Six-Day War (1967), to Egypt. The other agreement created a framework for a broader peace in the region that included a plan for Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The latter provisions were not implemented. See also Moshe Dayan.

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Egyptian-Israeli history
 agreements between Israel and Egypt signed on September 17, 1978, that led in the following year to a peace treaty between those two countries, the first such treaty between Israel and any of its Arab neighbours. Brokered by U.S. President Jimmy Carter (Carter, Jimmy) between Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin (Begin, Menachem) and Egyptian President Anwar el-Sādāt (Sādāt, Anwar el-) and officially titled theFramework for Peace in the Middle East,” the agreements became known as the Camp David Accords because the negotiations took place at the U.S. presidential retreat at Camp David, Maryland.

      The United Nations voted in 1947 to partition Great Britain's Palestine mandateto be established were a Jewish state, an Arab state, and an independent Jerusalem under a UN trusteeship. Arabs opposed partition. When the mandate ended on May 15, 1948, and Israel proclaimed its independence, the first Arab-Israeli war (Arab-Israeli wars) erupted. No separate state for Arab Palestinians (i.e., Palestinians) was established. Egypt took control of the Gaza Strip along the Mediterranean Sea, and Jordan assumed sovereignty over the territory between Israel's eastern border and the Jordan River (the West Bank), including East Jerusalem. During the Six-Day War of June 1967, Israel occupied those territories as well as the Golan Heightsa patch of Syrian land on Israel's northeastern borderand Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. Following his election as U.S. president, Carter committed himself to working toward a comprehensive Middle East peace settlement based on UN Resolution 242 (November 1967), which called for the withdrawal of Israel from the occupied territories, Arab recognition of and peace with Israel (stipulations that the Arab states had refused to agree to), and a just settlement to the problem of Palestinian refugees displaced by the establishment of Israel and the 1967 war.

      Early in his presidency, Carter met with leaders of the Middle East and was especially encouraged by President Sādāt. Sādāt wanted the Israeli-occupied Sinai returned to Egypt, as well as peace for his people and a stronger relationship with the United States. The U.S. president also met with Menachem Begin, who had only recently become prime minister, and found him willing to consider the measures that Carter had discussed with Sādāt.

      In November 1977 Sādāt initiated direct contacts with Israel and made a dramatic visit to Jerusalem, where he spoke to the Israeli Knesset (parliament). However, a reciprocal visit by Begin was unsuccessful, and no progress was made toward peace. Rosalynn Carter (Carter, Rosalynn), the U.S. first lady, then suggested to her husband that he invite Sādāt and Begin to Camp David, in rural Maryland, where the relative privacy and seclusion might provide a setting for a breakthrough.

      The two leaders accepted Carter's invitation, and the summit began on September 5, 1978, and lasted for 13 days. It was extremely unusual for heads of state to engage in a summit meeting at which the outcome was so much in doubt. Not only had Egypt and Israel been at war for decades, but the personality differences of the leaders promised to complicate the dialogue. Begin, always formal in dress and manner, was extremely detail-oriented and careful about the possible ramifications of any agreements. He was pessimistic about what he believed could be achieved at Camp David and insisted that the objective be limited to developing an agenda for future meetings. By contrast, Sādāt wore fashionable sports clothes, was relaxed and forthcoming, and was willing to join in comprehensive negotiations aimed at settling all controversial issues during the few days of the summit.

      All three men were accompanied by their leading foreign policy advisers, but Carter preferred that the three men work together in private sessions in a small office at Aspen, his cabin at Camp David. He also insisted that there be no direct press coverage of the meetings, fearing it would have a negative effect on negotiations. A humorous situation arose right before the first meeting, an awkward moment that nonetheless shed light on the personalities involved. After President Carter and the first lady entered the cabin, Begin and Sādāt hesitated over who should follow through the doorway. Both men laughed, and Begin insisted that Sādāt proceed first. As the first lady noted later, “Jimmy said to me that Begin would never go ahead of Sādāt, being perfectly proper according to protocolpresident above prime minister.”

      After three days of negotiations, the heated discussions reached an impasse, and direct discourse between Sādāt and Begin became impossible. Carter then compiled a single document that encompassed a resolution of the major issues, presented the proposals to each leader in separate meetings, assessed their comments, and redrafted the manuscript some two dozen times, shuttling the manuscript back and forth for their review. (This single-document method became a mainstay of Carter's post-presidency work at the Carter Center to resolve international disputes.)

      As the days passed, prospects for a settlement at Camp David appeared so bleak that Sādāt threatened to leave, and Carter began planning to return to the White House and suffer the likely political consequences of failure. An agreement was reached on the final day, however, when, at the last minute, Begin agreed to allow the Knesset to decide the fate of the settlements Israelis had established on the Sinai Peninsula (which Sādāt had required dismantled and Begin had sworn not to abandon). The eventual outcome of these talks, theFramework for Peace in the Middle East,” had three parts: (1) a process for Palestinian self-government in the West Bank and Gaza, (2) a framework for the conclusion of a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, and (3) a similar framework for peace treaties between Israel and its other neighbours. The prime minister and the Israeli Knesset agreed that a transitional self-governing Palestinian authority was to be elected to replace Israeli political and military forces in the occupied territories.

      The peace treaty that Israel and Egypt signed in March 1979 closely reflected President Carter's proposals at Camp David and formally ended the state of war that had existed between the two countries. Israel agreed to withdraw from Sinai, and Egypt promised to establish normal diplomatic relations between the two countries and open the Suez Canal to Israeli ships (which until then had been banned from the waterway). These provisions were duly carried out. However, most Arab countries, rather than following Egypt's lead, ostracized Egypt and expelled it from the Arab League. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), professing to speak for the Palestinian people, also rejected the accords. Nonetheless, the next major advance in Middle East peace negotiations, the Oslo Accords signed by Israel and the PLO in 1993, included provisions with regard to the West Bank and Gaza that were similar to those in the Camp David Accords. These included a transitional period, an elected self-governing Palestinian authority, withdrawal of the Israeli military government and redeployment of Israeli troops, the establishment of a local police force, and a plan to move ahead with negotiations on the final status of the occupied territories.


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