
Campanian, adj., n.
/kam pay"nee euh, -payn"yeuh/; It. /kahm pah"nyah/, n.
a region in SW Italy. 5,346,828; 5214 sq. mi. (13,505 sq. km). Cap.: Naples.

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Region (pop., 2001 prelim.: 5,652,492), southern Italy.

It is located on the Tyrrhenian Sea and occupies 5,249 sq mi (13,595 sq km). Its capital is Naples. Occupied successively by Greeks, Etruscans, and Samnites, Campania became an ally of Rome с 350 BC. It was a favourite resort of the Romans, and it is noted for its natural beauty and famous old towns, including Cumae, Pompeii, Capua, Salernum, and Neapolis (Naples). After the fall of Rome, Campania was ruled by Gaul, Byzantium, and the Normans; it became part of the Kingdom of Naples in 1282. It was united with Italy in 1861. Its economy is bolstered by agriculture, the industrial area around Naples, and tourism.

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      regione, southern Italy, on the Tyrrhenian Sea between the Garigliano (Lower Liri) River (north) and the Gulf of Policastro (south). The region comprises the provinces of Avellino, Benevento, Caserta, Napoli, and Salerno. Campania is mountainous and hilly, the Neapolitan Apennines in the extreme east giving way to the slightly lower uplands of the Matese and Picentini mountains, with the Cilento mountain area extending to the coast in the south. The coastal lowlands north of Naples (the Volturno River basin and the Terra di Lavoro) and south of Salerno (the plain of the lower Sele River) are separated from each other by the volcanic regions around the Bay of Naples—the Campi Flegrei and Mount Vesuvius—and by the Lattari Mountains, which stretch inland from the Sorrento peninsula. The only rivers of any size are the Volturno and the Sele with their tributaries. Among the intermontane basins, Benevento is the most important.

      Ancient Campania, although its boundaries were extended several times, was smaller than the present region, remaining limited to the area between the Volturno (ancient Volturnus) and the Sorrento peninsula. Early settled by Greek colonists and by the Etruscans, the region was dominated by the city of Capua (modern Santa Maria Capua Vetere) after its foundation in the 6th century BC. Campani, the Roman name for the inhabitants of Capua and later those of the Campanian plain, is actually pre-Roman and appears with terminations (suffixes) inscribed in Oscan (an ancient Italic dialect) on coins struck for or by the Samnites, the conquerors of Campania in the late 5th century BC. Samnite Capua became the ally of Rome about 340 BC, and the whole region was Romanized by the end of the 4th century and later flourished as a colonia and then a region of the Roman Empire. Cumae, Nola, and Puteoli (modern Pozzuoli) were important ancient centres. After the fall of Rome, Campania was occupied successively by the Goths, Byzantines, and Lombards. Conquered by the Normans in the 11th century and incorporated in the kingdom of Sicily in the 12th century, it became part of the Kingdom of Naples after the Wars of Sicilian Vespers against the French in 1282. Campania was united with Italy in 1860.

      The major farming areas of Campania are the fertile coastal lowlands, particularly those of the Terra di Lavoro and the plains around Vesuvius. The land utilization in these areas is intensive and is characterized by interculture, with plots of land producing cereals on the ground, fruit on the trees along the edges of the plots, and grapes from vines trailing between the trees. The chief crops are fruit (apricots, apples, peaches, nuts, citrus, and grapes), early vegetables, and flowers and such industrial crops as tobacco and hemp. Campanian wines are famous throughout Italy. Fishing is important in the Bay of Naples, Procida and Torre del Greco being the leading ports. Campania is the only region of southern Italy with a major concentration of industry, most of it centred on Naples, the regional capital, and some around Salerno. Metallurgy, chemicals, machinery and tools, textiles, agricultural industries (canning, flour milling, macaroni, tobacco), and shipbuilding are the main branches. Naples and its suburbs have a flourishing artisan industry working coral, pearls, tortoiseshell, leather, and lace. The tourist trade in Naples, on the Sorrento peninsula, and on the islands of Capri and Ischia is a major source of income. Naples is a leading Italian port and is also the regional transportation centre. Internal coastal communications in the region are relatively easy, but the highly dissected character of the interior made road and rail travel “across the grain,” in the west-east direction, difficult until the construction of the expressway Autostrada del Sole. Area 5,249 square miles (13,595 square km). Pop. (2006 est.) 5,790,929.

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Universalium. 2010.

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