
/kaym"brij shear', -sheuhr/, n.
a county in E England. 536,000; 1316 sq. mi. (3410 sq. km). Also called Cambridge.

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Administrative (pop., 2001: 552,655), geographic, and historic county, eastern England.

Greatly enlarged in the government reorganization in 1974, Cambridgeshire now includes part of the former county of Huntingdonshire and the Isle of Ely; the county seat is Cambridge. Prehistoric tracks ring the fens; drainage was begun by the Romans. Major structures include Ely Cathedral and the buildings of the University of Cambridge. Cambridgeshire is crossed by two major rivers, the Nen and the Ouse, with its tributary the Cam.

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      administrative, geographic, and historic county of eastern England. The administrative county covers a much larger area than the ancient shire, or historic county. Formed in 1974, the administrative county incorporates almost all of the historic county of Cambridgeshire and most of the historic county of Huntingdonshire (which is nearly coterminous with the district of the same name). The parts of the historic county that lie outside the administrative county are a small area north of Sandy in the Mid Bedfordshire district of the administrative county of Bedfordshire and an area around Thorney in the unitary authority of Peterborough. The historic county is sometimes considered part of the traditional region of East Anglia, and the Isle of Ely (Ely, Isle of) forms a distinct historic region within the historic county of Cambridgeshire. The administrative county of Cambridgeshire comprises five districtsEast Cambridgeshire, Fenland, Huntingdonshire, South Cambridgeshire, and the city of Cambridgeand incorporates a small area, around Great Chishill, that belongs to the historic county of Essex. The geographic county encompasses the entire administrative county, as well as the unitary authority of Peterborough. Cambridge serves as the county town (seat).

      The arm of the North Sea today known as the Wash (Wash, The) extended much farther inland during prehistoric times. Lying between sea and land, this area was alternately inundated and exposed, as it filled with deposits of peat, silt, and sea clay. It was encircled by a rim of low hills. The present geographic county comprises much of this rim, together with the southern half of the inlet, now drained and reclaimed to form the Fens. Here and there low ridges, which break the flatness of the Fens, represent former islands. The largest of them, the Isle of Ely (Ely, Isle of), formed a safe retreat for Englishmen, led by Hereward the Wake, who opposed William the Conqueror (William I) and his invading Normans.

      The geographic county is crossed by two major rivers: the Nene and the Great Ouse, with its tributary the Cam. As these have been progressively regularized and embanked, the surface of the county has become available for agriculture. Crop specialization is well developed, with cereals grown on the chalky eastern rim. Cereals, potatoes, sugar beets (processed at Ely), and vegetables are grown on the Fens; and fruits for canning and jam making are produced on the slopes of the former islands and around Wisbech.

 Apart from the widely scattered food industries is the geographic county's main manufacturing centre, Peterborough, whose recent expansion both in population and in engineering industries has been remarkable. Cambridge possesses light industries, including scientific instruments and electronics. The hilly rim along the southern edge of the county falls within the residential commuter belt both of Cambridge itself, with its large university population, and of London, 4050 miles (7080 km) to the south.

      Prehistoric tracks and other archaeological finds indicate a prolonged occupation of the area ringing the Fens, which were a swampy expanse in prehistoric times. Under the Romans the Cam valley was the most heavily settled area, but the Romans apparently also began the drainage of the Fens. Anglo-Saxon settlement of the area began in the 5th century. The county lay at the edge of the Danelaw and was contested from the 9th through the 11th century by the Danes and the Saxons. Beginning in the Middle Ages, the historic county and the neighbouring county of Huntingdonshire were administered by a single sheriff. The founding of the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, University of) in the 13th century made the town of Cambridge one of England's most important intellectual centres, and the drainage of the Fens, virtually completed by the middle of the 17th century, brought large new areas under pasturage and cultivation. The historic county's major architectural landmarks are the splendid cathedral of Ely and the university buildings in Cambridge. Area administrative county, 1,176 square miles (3,046 square km); geographic county, 1,308 square miles (3,387 square km). Pop. (2005 est.) administrative county, 588,900; geographic county, 725,192.

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Universalium. 2010.

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