
/kal"euh/, n.
1. Also called calla lily, arum lily. any of several plants belonging to the genus Zantedeschia, of the arum family, esp. Z. aethiopica, having arrow-shaped leaves and a large white spathe enclosing a yellow spike.
2. a related plant, Calla palustris, of cold marshes of Europe and North America, having heart-shaped leaves.
[ < NL (Linnaeus)]

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Either of two distinct kinds of plants of the arum family.

Calla palustris is known as the arum lily, water arum, or wild calla. The common name calla is also generally given to several species of Zantedeschia, often called calla lilies. The handsome C. palustris occurs widely in wet places in cool, northern temperate and subarctic regions. It has heart-shaped leaves, showy white floral leaves, and clusters of brilliant red berries. Its juice is violently poisonous. The most important of the calla lilies, all native to South Africa, is the common florist's calla (Z. aethiopica), a stout herb with a fragrant white spathe and arrow-shaped leaves; a popular indoor plant, it is grown commercially for cut flowers.

Arum lily (Calla palustris)

Ingmar Holmasen

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      either of two distinct kinds of plants of the arum family (Araceae). The genus Calla contains one species of aquatic wild plant, C. palustris, which is known as the arum lily, water arum, or wild calla. As a common name calla is also generally given to several species of Zantedeschia, which are often called calla lilies.

      C. palustris occurs widely in wet places in cool, north temperate and subarctic regions. A handsome plant, it has heart-shaped leaves; showy, white, floral leaves (spathes); and clusters of brilliant red berries. The juice of C. palustris is violently poisonous. The plant grows readily in mud or shallow water along pond edges or water courses.

      Among the calla lilies, all native to South Africa, the most important is the common florist's calla (Zantedeschia aethiopica), a stout herb with a fragrant white spathe and arrow-shaped leaves that spring from a thick rootstock. It is a popular indoor plant grown commercially for cut flowers. The golden, or yellow, calla lily (Z. elliottiana), with more heart-shaped leaves, and the pink, or red, calla lily (Z. rehmannii) are also grown. The spotted, or black-throated, calla lily (Z. albomaculata), with white-spotted leaves, has a whitish to yellow or pink spathe that shades within to purplish brown at the base.

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Universalium. 2010.

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