
Californian, adj., n.
/kal'euh fawrn"yeuh, -fawr"nee euh/, n.
1. a state in the W United States, on the Pacific coast. 23,668,562; 158,693 sq. mi. (411,015 sq. km). Cap.: Sacramento. Abbr.: CA (for use with zip code), Cal., Calif.
2. Gulf of, an arm of the Pacific Ocean, extending NW between the coast of W Mexico and the peninsula of Lower California. ab. 750 mi. (1207 km) long; 62,600 sq. mi. (162,100 sq. km).

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State (pop., 2000: 33,871,648), western U.S. Lying on the Pacific Ocean, it is bordered by Mexico and the U.S. states of Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona.

California is the largest state in population and the third largest in area (158,647 sq mi [410,895 sq km]), extending about 800 mi (1,300 km) north to south and 250 mi (400 km) east to west. Its capital is Sacramento. Within 85 mi (137 km) of each other lie Mount Whitney and Death Valley, the highest and lowest points in the 48 contiguous states. It was inhabited originally by American Indians. The first European coastal expansion took place in 154243 when Juan Cabrillo established a Spanish claim to the area. The first mission was established by Junipero Serra at San Diego in 1769. The region remained under Spanish and, after the 1820s, Mexican control until it was taken by U.S. forces in the Mexican War and ceded to the U.S. by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848. Though settlement had begun by the U.S. in 1841, it was greatly accelerated by the 1848 gold rush. California was admitted to the Union in 1850 as a nonslavery state under the Compromise of 1850. Its already expanding population grew immensely in the 20th century. It has the largest economy of any U.S. state. It has suffered severe earthquakes, most destructively those of San Francisco in 1906 and 1989 and Los Angeles in 1994.
(as used in expressions)
Baja California Norte
California Gulf of
California University of

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California, flag of    constituent state of the United States of America. It was admitted as the 31st state of the Union on Sept. 9, 1850, and by the early 1960s it was the most populous U.S. state. No version of the origin of California's name has been fully accepted, but there is wide support for the contention that it derived from an early 16th-century Spanish novel, Las sergas de Esplandián (“The Adventures of Esplandián”), that described a paradisiacal island full of gold and precious stones called California. The influence of the Spanish settlers of the 18th and 19th centuries is evident in California's architecture and place-names. The capital is Sacramento.

  California is bounded by the U.S. state of Oregon to the north, by the states of Nevada and Arizona to the east; by the Mexican state of Baja California to the south, and by the Pacific Ocean to the west. From the rainy northern coast to the parched Colorado Desert in the south, and from the Mediterranean-like central and southern littoral to the volcanic plateau of the far northeast, California is a land of stunning physical contrasts. Both the highest and lowest points in the 48 coterminous states are in the state of CaliforniaMount Whitney (Whitney, Mount) and Death Valley, respectively. The former is the culminating summit of the Sierra Nevada, one of the major mountain ranges of North America.

      The fluid nature of the state's social, economic, and political lifeshaped so largely by the influx of people from other states and countrieshas for centuries made California a laboratory for testing new modes of living. California's population, concentrated mostly along the coast, is the most urban in the United States, with more than three-fourths of the state's people living in the Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego metropolitan areas. Despite its urbanization and the loss of land to industry, California still leads the country in agricultural production. About one-half of the state's land is federally owned. National parks located throughout the state are devoted to the preservation of nature and natural resources. Area 158,633 square miles (410,858 square km). Pop. (2000) 33,871,648; (2007 est.) 36,553,215.

Land (California)

 The heartland of California is the Central Valley, which runs for 450 miles (725 km) through the centre of the state, forming a trough between the Coast Ranges to the west and the Sierra Nevada to the east. The valley is the state's agricultural centre. Its single opening is the delta through which the Sacramento (Sacramento River) and San Joaquin (San Joaquin River) rivers drain into San Francisco Bay. The valley is sealed off by the Cascade Range to the northeast and by the Klamath Mountains to the northwest. In the far north the terrain is rugged and heavily forested, becoming wetter on the coastal side and drier and barren in the higher northeast. In the south the Central Valley is closed off by the transverse ranges, most notably the Tehachapi Mountains, which are regarded as a dividing wall between southern and central California.

      Most of eastern California is desert. The sparsely settled northeastern corner of the state is a jumble of barren plains and mountains, as well as a volcanic plateau. In the east-central region is the Trans-Sierra desert, which extends along the sheer east escarpment of the Sierra Nevada range and comprises part of the vast interstate Great Basin of the Basin and Range Province. The Trans-Sierra desert ranges from 2,000 to 7,400 feet (600 to 2,300 metres) above sea level. Its largest towns are in the Owens Valley, which was a fertile farmland until its groundwater flow was diverted to Los Angeles through a mammoth series of conduits built in 190813.

 The Sierra Nevada rises just to the west of the Trans-Sierra desert. The eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada is sheer, dropping some 10,000 feet (3,000 metres) within a 10-mile (16-km) stretch near Owens Lake. On the west the range slopes in gradually declining foothills toward the Central Valley, comprising the San Joaquin and Sacramento river valleys. From the wall that rises near Lassen Peak in the north, the Sierra Nevada extends south for 430 miles (700 km) to the fringes of Los Angeles. Aside from Mount Whitney (Whitney, Mount) (14,494 feet [4,418 metres] above sea level), 10 other peaks in the Sierra Nevada exceed 14,000 feet (4,200 metres) in elevation. East-west passes are few but high; some are found at more than 9,000 feet (2,700 metres) in elevation.There are three national parks in the Sierra Nevada: Kings Canyon (Kings Canyon National Park), Sequoia (Sequoia National Park), and Yosemite (Yosemite National Park). The last, which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1978, rises from the purplish foothills of the Mother Lode Country and extends through the ice-carved valleys of the Merced and Tuolumne rivers. Its valleys feature waterfalls and granite domes.

      In the southeast lies the Mojave Desert, which, at more than 25,000 square miles (65,000 square km), occupies one-sixth of the land area of California. Its landmarks are broad basins and eroded mountains, fault blocks, and alluvial surfaces, most of which are more than 2,000 feet (600 metres) above sea level. Vegetation includes the evergreen creosote bush, yucca, saltbush, burroweed, encelia, cottonwood, and mesquite. Higher up are juniper and piñon pine.

      Just south of the Mojave Desert is the lower Colorado Desert, an extension of the Sonoran Desert, which begins in the Coachella Valley. The Colorado Desert descends to the Imperial Valley adjacent to the Mexican border. The valley is a heavily irrigated agricultural area known for its winter crops. More than 4,000 square miles (10,500 square km) of the desert lie below sea level, including the 300-square-mile (800-square-km) Salton Sea, a lake with no outlet that was created in 190507 when the nearby Colorado River broke out of its channel.

      The roughly 1,100-mile- (1,800-km-) long coastline of California is mountainous, most dramatically so in the Santa Lucia Range south of San Francisco, where towering cliffs rise about 800 feet (240 metres) above the ocean. Hills of lesser elevation flank entrances to the coast's three major natural harbours, at San Diego, San Francisco, and Eureka. Coastal mountains, made up of many indistinct chains, are from about 20 to 40 miles (30 to 65 km) in width and from 2,000 to 8,000 feet (600 to 2,400 metres) in elevation.

      Southern California's dense settlement lies along a coastal plateau and in valleys ranging from about 10 to 60 miles (16 to 100 km) inland. Along the coast north of the Tehachapi Mountains, the population becomes sparser, though the central coastal region has grown rapidly since the 1990s. The populous coastal area around San Francisco Bay gives way to the less-developed northern coast, where lumbering and fishing villages lie beside creeks and rivers flowing from the Coast Ranges. This is the area of coastal redwood forests and Redwood National Park, which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1980.

 The 800-mile (1,300-km) San Andreas Fault is a major fault line running through most of California. Tectonic movement along the fault has caused massive earthquakes, including the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. The Hayward Fault in the San Francisco Bay Area and the San Gabriel fault zone in metropolitan Los Angeles have produced several major earthquakes, though the destructive quake centred in the Los Angeles suburb of Northridge in 1994 occurred along one of the San Andreas's larger secondary faults. Separate fault systems in the Sierra Nevada and the Klamath Mountains are tectonically active as well.

      Water is chronically scarce in southern California and the desert regions, but excesses of rain and snowmelt cause winter flooding along the rivers of the northern coast. Complex systems of dams and aqueducts transport water from north to south, but not without the protests of those who regard the export of water from their regions as a bar to future growth or as a threat to environmental balance. The Colorado River Aqueduct at the Arizona border carries water from that river across the southern California desert and mountains to serve the Los Angeles metropolitan area. The California State Water Project, launched in 1960, is the largest water-transfer system ever undertaken. It is designed to deliver water daily from the Feather River (a tributary of the Sacramento River) in north-central California to communities as far south as the Mexican border.

      The largest lake of the Sierra Nevada is Lake Tahoe (Tahoe, Lake), astride the California-Nevada border at an elevation of 6,229 feet (1,899 metres). A mountain-ringed alpine lake about 193 square miles (500 square km) in area, it has among the world's greatest average depth and a maximum depth of about 1,640 feet (500 metres). Elsewhere in the Sierra lie hundreds of smaller lakes, some above the timberline in regions of tumbled granite and smooth-walled canyons. West of the Sierra Nevada is Clear Lake; at 67 square miles (174 square km), it is the largest natural lake wholly within the state. On the eastern flank of the Sierra are Mono Lake and Owens Lake, both long endangered by agricultural development.

      California's climate is marked by two seasonsa wet and a dry. Except on the coast, the dryness of the air and the consequent rapidity of evaporation greatly lessen the severity of summer heat. Precipitation ranges from more than 170 inches (4,300 mm) in the northwest to traces in the southeastern desert, but moderate temperatures and rainfall prevail along the coast. The climate also changes rapidly with elevational extremes. Death Valley, with its lowest point at 282 feet (86 metres) below sea level, is the hottest and driest place in North America. Its temperatures easily soar into the 100s F (about 48 °C) in the summer, and average annual rainfall is only about 2 inches (50 mm). Summer temperatures in the low-lying Colorado Desert can reach as high as about 130 °F (54 °C), and annual precipitation there averages only 3 to 4 inches (75 to 100 mm). In the higher eastern deserts of California, summer temperatures are more moderate. Winter temperatures in the Sierra Nevada can drop to near freezing. The average annual temperature is in the mid-60s F (about 18 °C) in Los Angeles, with an annual precipitation average of about 14 inches (350 mm). In San Francisco temperatures average in the mid-50s F (about 14 °C), with annual precipitation of about 20 inches (508 mm). On the coast, temperatures seldom exceed 90 °F (32 °C) or drop to freezing, and humidity is low.

Plant and animal life
      California is the most biologically diverse state in the United States, with more than 40,000 plant and animal species, some of which are endangered or threatened. Nearly one-fourth of all plant types found in North America occur naturally within the borders of the state. The state is particularly known for its redwood trees (redwood). Before European settlement the redwoods covered an estimated 2,000,000 acres (800,000 hectares) of California. Many redwood forests have been destroyed or substantially altered by logging operations; however, about 200,000 acres (80,000 hectares) of redwoods are protected in state and national parks. Other highly recognizable forms of plant life, emblematic of different parts of the state, are the bristlecone pine, the palm, the creosote bush, and the Monterey cypress. Yet, some of California's most characteristic landscapes, particularly the coastal region of the central and southern portions of the state, are dominated by plants introduced from other countries, most notably Bermuda grass from southern Africa, the tree of heaven from China, the thistle from Central Asia, and the giant reed from southern Europe.

      Animal life in California is as varied as the geography; about 400 species of mammals and some 600 species of birds have been identified. Many are extinct or in danger of extirpation. The California grizzly bear is extinct, for instance, and the bighorn sheep is found mostly in remote desert mountains. Some species have been reintroduced or given protected status, including the California condor, whose population has slowly regrown with the help of zoo hatching programs and wilderness refuges. Wildcats and pumas (cougars) characteristically prowl remote mountain areas, though they are increasingly coming into contact with humans as urban and suburban development expands. The more common deer, bobcats, coyotes, skunks, raccoons, and black bears are found in various habitats. In drier areas and deserts there are squirrels, jackrabbits, and chipmunks. Desert tortoises, horned toads, and rattlesnakes are abundant in desert climates. Among common birds are California jays and thrashers, juncos, mountain bluebirds, and hermit thrushes. Bass, perch, rockfish, and tuna are found in the Pacific Ocean off California's coast, as are many species of marine mammals.


Population (California) composition
      The California Indians (California Indian), the original inhabitants of the state, now constitute a small but rapidly growing percentage of the population. Spanish missionaries converted and subjugated them as part of the construction of the California mission chain. When the missions were secularized in 1833, some 30,000 Mission Indians were farming under the direction of priests and soldiers at 21 different missions. Disease decimated the California Indian population for decades after the Spaniards' arrival. During the remainder of the 19th century, thousands of indigenous Californians were enslaved through the application of antivagrancy laws; similar numbers were killed during state-sponsored raids that were touted aspacificationefforts. By 1880 only about 15,000 California Indians remained, a reduction of about nine-tenths of their pre-Columbian population. During the 20th century the population began to recuperate, and Native American communities engaged in a variety of advocacy and cultural-renewal activities. During World War II the state's burgeoning military-industrial complex drew people from across the country, and following the war California became a destination point for U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs relocation programs. These factors caused many Native Americans from other parts of the United States to relocate to the state. By the early 21st century, California had the largest Native American population in the United States, the vast majority of which resided in urban areas.

      California's first settlers were mostly Midwestern farmers of European descent. The gold rush of 1849 changed the composition of the population as hundreds of thousands of fortune seekers from all over the United States and other countries entered the state. In 1850 more than half of Californians were in their 20s and were typically male and single. Only a few hundred Chinese lived in the state in 1850, but two years later one resident out of 10 was Chinese; most performed menial labour. Irish labourers arrived during the railroad construction boom in the 1860s. The Irish, French, and Italians tended to settle in San Francisco. As Los Angeles began to grow at the end of the 19th century, it attracted large numbers of Mexicans, Russians, and Japanese but primarily another influx of Midwesterners.

      By the beginning of the 20th century, ethnic discrimination had grown strong, especially against Asians. An alien land law intended to discourage ownership of land by Asians was not ruled unconstitutional until 1952. At one time the testimony of Chinese in courts was declared void. Separate schools for Asians were authorized by law until 1936, and it was not until 1943 that the Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed by Congress. As discrimination against the Chinese flared, Japanese felt encouraged to immigrate, and in 1900 more than 12,000 entered California. Prospering as farmers, they came to control more than one-tenth of the farmland by 1920, while constituting only 2 percent of the population. Los Angeles became the centre of the country's Japanese community, while San Francisco's Chinatown became the country's largest Chinese settlement.

 Discrimination against the Japanese smoldered until World War II, when about 93,000 Japanese Americans lived in the state. Some three-fifths of them were American-born citizens known as Nisei (second-born); most of the others were Issei, older adults who had immigrated before Congress halted their influx in 1924. Never eligible for naturalization, the Issei were classed as enemy aliens during World War II. In early 1942 almost all of California's Japanese Americans, both Nisei and Issei, were moved to isolated internment camps (concentration camp) east of the Sierra Nevada, and they were held under guard until 1945. At the end of the war, they found that their property had been sold for taxes or storage fees and their enclaves overrun. After years of litigation some 26,000 claimants were reimbursed for their losses at about one-third of the claimed valuation. About 85 percent of the Japanese Americans had been farmers, but with their land gone they became gardeners or went into other professions. In 1988 the U.S. Congress voted grants of $20,000 each to all Japanese Americans who had been interned.

      Asian immigration to California surged in the 1970s and '80s, with Filipinos, Vietnamese, Miao (Hmong), Cambodians, Laotians, and South Koreans among the newcomers. By 1987 the Asian population of California was estimated at about 6 percent of the total; that number had grown to more than one-tenth by the early 2000s. Immigration has led to the formation of large Asian enclaves, especially in the major metropolitan areas. Los Angeles, for example, now has a larger Korean population than any other city outside Korea.

      The many Californians with Spanish surnames largely reflect the 20th-century immigration from Mexicoto escape that country's revolution (191017) or to seek economic opportunity in the United States. By the early 21st century, about one-third of the state's population was Mexican or Mexican American (nearly one-half of the country's Mexican Americans live in California). Millions of Mexicans entered southern California illegally in the years prior to 1987. In that year the U.S. Congress granted amnesty to those who could establish specific conditions of prior residence. By 1988 about 1.7 million Hispanics had received temporary resident status under amnesty provisions, an estimated one-half of them within California. Since then, millions of Mexicans, as well as smaller numbers of Central and South Americans, have migrated to California. There are also smaller Puerto Rican and Cuban communities. Latinos as a whole make up more than one-third of the state's population, and some areas are primarily Spanish-speaking.

      Few people of African descent settled in California until World War II. Between 1940 and 1980 the African American population in metropolitan San Francisco rose from about 5,000 to about 86,000 and in metropolitan Los Angeles from 64,000 to more than 900,000, marking one of the largest gains of any U.S. state's African American population. In the early 21st century, the African American population accounted for about one-fifteenth of California's population.

      The San Francisco Bay Area became a haven for gay men and lesbians in the years following World War II and was among the first U.S. cities to issue antidiscrimination ordinances on the basis of sexual preference. Los Angeles and other California cities also have significant gay and lesbian populations that are politically and culturally active. California's Supreme Court overturned a ban on same-sex marriage in May 2008, though opponents vowed to battle the ruling with a constitutional amendment.

      About one-third of Californians belong to churches, a proportion far below the national average. However, California has the highest concentration of megachurches (generally nondenominational churches with 2,000 or more members) of any state. Roman Catholicism is dominant in San Francisco, and fundamentalist Protestant groups are common in those parts of southern California inhabited by migrants from the South and Southwest. The Jewish community makes up about 3 percent of the state's population.

      Los Angeles and, to a somewhat lesser extent, San Francisco have long attracted the development of unconventional religious movements. Aimee Semple McPherson (McPherson, Aimee Semple), whose Angelus Temple in Los Angeles boasted near 30,000 members, is one of the best remembered of the evangelists. Faith healers still are popular.

       Scientology has thrived in southern California and has boasted many celebrity adherents. Zen Buddhism enjoyed popularity in San Francisco during the 1950s, with English-born Alan Watts serving as its interpreter to a following that included theBeat Generation.” Interest in Buddhism and other Eastern religions was rekindled in California in the 1990s as a result of both an influx in the Asian population and the search among baby boomers for nontraditional belief systems.

Settlement patterns and demographic trends
      Native-born Americans were the dominant factor in California's phenomenal growth in the mid-20th century. Many workers who flooded the defense industries during World War II remained as residents, along with hundreds of thousands who first visited the state as military personnel. California's population tripled from 1950 to 2000. Rapid growth, mainly from immigration, continued into the 21st century. About three-fifths of the population is concentrated south of the Tehachapi Mountains in about one-fourth of the state's area, with the greatest concentration in the small coastal region.

      The wide-scale transformation of California's ethnic mix has led to profound demographic changes. In 2001 California became the first state in the United States in which Hispanics were the majority. It was also one of the few states to experience a significant out-migration ofwhitesmoving to less ethnically diverse states, notably Utah, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. Economic crises, overcrowding, and pollution in California's major cities were some of the reasons for their movement eastward and northward.

      California's economy is the largest of any U.S. state and is surpassed only by a handful of industrialized countries. Financiers in California have been imaginative in seeking and employing capital, and many of the country's largest banks and corporations are based in the state. In 1965 California supplanted New York as the leading state in the export of manufactured goods. With the development of Silicon Valley in the late 1970s, California became a world leader in the manufacture of computers and electronics. By the end of the 20th century, the state's economy was attracting highly educated workers from all over the world. Moreover, California has retained its dominance in the aerospace industry (though the industry declined in the 1990s), in the film and television industry, and in agriculture and viticulture.

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
 Agriculture accounts for less than one-tenth of the state's income; nevertheless, California produces more than half of the country's vegetables and fruits. The state's fields and orchards yield hundreds of agricultural products of astonishing diversity from largely irrigated farmland. Its major cash products are cattle, milk, cotton, and grapes. About half of the farm produce comes from the Central Valley, which is irrigated through a labyrinth of dams, canals, and power and pumping plants. California has suffered from periodic droughts, which have had an impact on agricultural production, and acreage has declined somewhat as more farmland has undergone commercial and residential development.

      The state's agricultural supremacy dates from 1947, when its farm production first exceeded that of any other state. A growing season of 9 to 10 months ranks the Fresno, Kern, and Tulare areas among the top in the country in value of farm produce. Many large landholdings have derived from federal land grants to railroads. Such farms have tended to become agricultural assembly lines with absentee owners, high mechanization and productivity, and persistent labour strife. Most farms specialize in one or two crops: almonds grow north of Sacramento; cotton and forage crops, figs, and grapes are cultivated near Fresno; and in the wet delta, asparagus, tomatoes, rice, safflower, and sugar beets are prominent. Specialization has been enhanced by research at the University of California (California, University of), Davis; this institution also counsels the California wine industry, which produces about four-fifths of all the wine made in the United States. The citrus industry, almost destroyed in the 1940s by a virus, ranks second to that of Florida in production of oranges.

      Premium wine grapes grow in the Napa and Sonoma valleys north of San Francisco and in adjacent areas. The Imperial Valley in the Colorado Desert in the extreme south, though smaller in area than the Central Valley, has about 500,000 irrigated acres (200,000 hectares) of farmland. Other major farming areas include the Coachella Valley near Palm Springs, where dates and grapefruit grow, and the Salinas Valley and Monterey Bay region.

      About one-tenth of California's workforce is employed in agriculture. The farm labour pool is made up of low-income labourers, including the many migrants (migrant labour) and Mexican nationals who cross the border in harvest seasons. Long abused, migrant labourers organized in the late 1960s under the leadership of Cesar Chavez (Chavez, Cesar) and began lengthy strikes that drew nationwide support in the form of consumer boycotts. Thereafter, however, Chavez's United Farm Workers (United Farm Workers of America) union lost much of its membership to the Teamsters Union, which organized the agricultural and industrial labour force to such an extent that California is now one of the most heavily unionized states in the country.

      California forestlands are both privately and publicly owned, and most public holdings are logged as part of state and federal land-management policies favouring multiple use.

      California has a significant commercial fishing industry. Seafood from the Pacific Ocean includes tuna, mackerel, sole, squid, and sardine. Trout and salmon are almost entirely farm-raised.

Resources and power
       petroleum production grew rapidly after 1895, with oil strikes in the Los AngelesLong Beach area occurring frequently. California led all states in petroleum production from 1900 to 1936. Reserves have been depleted at a rapid rate, however, and oil and natural gas are now also imported. Nevertheless, petroleum continues to exceed the total of all other minerals in value of production, and more than one-tenth of the country's oil supply is refined in California. Other mineral production includes natural gas, cement, sand and gravel, borate, soda, and salt. Gold mining is now insignificant, as is the exploitation of other precious metals.

      California produces about four-fifths of its energy in state; the remainder is imported mostly from the Southwest (coal plants), as well as from the Pacific Northwest and Canada (hydroelectric power plants). California has hundreds of hydroelectric power plants scattered throughout the state. About one-tenth of California's electricity comes from renewable resources, including wind and solar power. The majority of the thousands of wind turbines in the state are onwind farmsin Altamont Pass, east of San Francisco; San Gorgonio Pass, near Palm Springs; and Tehachapi, south of Bakersfield. There are solar thermal power plants in the Mojave Desert. The state has become a world leader in the development of renewable forms of energy of all kinds.

      Aircraft plants and shipyards were supplemented after World War II by branch plants of many Eastern and Midwestern industries. Federal research-and-development funds allocated to California organizations also contributed to the postwar economy. By the 1970s and '80s, California's industries had diversified to include computer science, biotechnology, and health care, all of which grew markedly in economic importance in the 1990s. Construction also has become a major industry, though it suffered during the early 21st century as a result of overbuilding, inflated real estate prices, and a nationwide economic downturn. Some of the state's main manufactures include computers and electronics, chemicals, foodstuffs, fabricated metals, and transportation equipment.

Services, labour, and taxation
 Services are the dominant economic sector in California. Tourism is a consistent source of income. More than one-fourth of the state's land area is preserved as recreational areas, national seashores, or wildlife refuges. Along the Pacific coast, about two-fifths of the shoreline is accessible and is visited by an estimated 50 million people each year. Redwood National Park has preserved some 100,000 acres (44,000 hectares) of majestic redwood trees extending for nearly 40 miles (65 km) along the Redwood Highway near Crescent City. Among the more than 250 units of the state park system is Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, in the Colorado Desert; running 54 miles (90 km) north-south and containing some 600,000 acres (240,000 hectares), it is the largest continuous state park in the United States. There are also more than 5,000 city, county, and special district parks, including the 4-mile- (6-km-) long Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. Theme parks, including Disneyland and SeaWorld (SeaWorld, Inc.), are also major tourist attractions.

      After state and federal aid, property taxes provide the chief source of local revenue. Rising income, sales, and gasoline taxes support state expenditures dominated by highway building, education, and welfare costs.

      Transportation, primarily by automobile and airplane, is in part both the cause and the result of the restless mobility of Californians, who tend to move their residences often and travel considerably. California has one of the greatest concentrations of motor vehicles in the world and the most extensive system of multilane freeways (expressway). (The rise of the freeway system after World War II coincided in Los Angeles with the demise of a 1,200-mile [1,900-km] interurban rail system that had once been the longest such system in the country.) Arterials reaching from San Diego almost 500 miles (800 km) northward through Los Angeles and the Central Valley continue without any traffic signals or stop signs. Freeway construction has declined since the 1970s, however, because of public opposition.

      As in most North American urban areas, light-rail transit systems were largely discontinued in California cities after World War II. Because of increasing traffic congestion, however, many have been reintroduced or newly constructed. The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system in and around San Francisco was constructed in the early 1970s and expanded in the following decades in response to growth in outlying areas. A San Diego trolley system, first built in the late 1970s as a link to the Mexican border, was extended in the late 1980s. The lack of a conventional urban core in Los Angeles, along with comparatively low population densities, had made it difficult to construct modern rapid-transit systems there, but work on a subway system in Los Angeles began in the 1980s. By 2003 a network of metro and light rail lines ran through the city, and there are rail links between downtown Los Angeles and many outlying areas, including major tourist sites, airports, and beaches. Commuter rails also run to nearby cities and counties. With an ever-growing population, more attention was being given to the development of mass transit systems in California in the early 21st century.

      The transport of goods in California is carried out predominantly by trucks, but the intricate canals and waterways of the Sacramento River delta are also used to transport freight. Maritime shipping across the Pacific basin is centred at the Long BeachLos Angeles ports, whose combined volume of cargo is several times greater than that handled by the Oakland, San Francisco, and Richmond ports in northern California. Long Beach is one of the world's most important cargo ports.

      Air commuting within California has increased significantly. The air corridor connecting San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego boasts greater traffic than the one that links Washington, D.C., New York City, and Boston on the East Coast. Air traffic congestion has become critical, but not so dire as that of the ground traffic near major California airports.

Government and society

Constitutional framework
      California is governed under a constitution that was framed in 187879, a period of rampant graft. It has been revised several times. Amendments instituted by Gov. Hiram Johnson (Johnson, Hiram) in 1911 included provisions for voter initiative of and referendum on legislation, the recall of elected officials (used to oust a sitting governor in 2003), the direct primary, woman suffrage, and a unique system that allowed candidates to run in primaries of opposing political parties. Before a series of deletions began in 1966, it had grown to be one of the world's longest governmental constitutions. Since 1962, revisions to the constitution could be made by voters without calling a convention, and most general ballots now contain dozens of propositions on issues that have included tax rates, affirmative action, bilingual education, and same-sex marriage. The state government and local governments have also been increasingly subject to such initiatives, particularly in planning and zoning decisions and in tax issues.

      The state's chief executive is the governor, who is elected by universal suffrage to a four-year term; a governor may serve a maximum of two terms. Other state executive officers also are elected to four-year terms and are subject to term limits. Members of more than 30 boards and commissions are appointed by the governor. The legislature comprises the Senate, with 40 members, and the Assembly, with 80 members. Legislative dominance is held by populous southern California at the expense of rural areas.

      The judicial system has traditionally consisted of five levels: the seven-member Supreme Court, district courts of appeal, and superior, municipal, and justice courts. Superior courts have been the major trial courts, whereas the more numerous municipal districts hear lesser matters. In 1998 voters approved a proposition that allowed judges in each county to unify their superior and municipal courts into a single superior court with overarching jurisdiction, subject to the approval of a majority of superior and municipal court judges within that county. By the middle of the first decade of the 21st century, the counties had unified their trial courts.

      Local government is conducted through some 4,000 agencies, including 58 counties and a few hundred incorporated cities. Counties and cities may establish charters or accept general-law provisions and statutory laws. Counties that recognize general-law provisions conform to state law with respect to the number and duties of elected officials. Chartered counties have a limited degree of authority to set elections or to decide the term lengths and salaries of their officials. Unlike counties, cities operate under variations of the mayor-council-manager system, and they have broader revenue-generating authority than do counties. Los Angeles and San Francisco operate under mayors and elected councils, while San Diego and San Jose employ city managers, who assume a large share of administrative duty.

      Volunteer party organizations often have usurped roles ordinarily fulfilled by the Democratic and Republican party structure. The parties are forbidden to endorse any candidate prior to the primary, but unofficial organizations do so and are often better funded and organized than the party structure. To overcome this party ineffectiveness, candidates turn to professional campaign managers to enhance their public images.

      Attempts at machine politics (political machine) have proved ineffectual in California because of voter mobility, lack of party entrenchment, and the prime role of civil service in bestowing jobs. The vastness of the state and the political cleavages between the liberal north and the conservative south make it difficult for one party to sweep statewide offices, even with majority registration. Traditional party alignments seem of minor significance to many Californians, and crossovers are common despite heavy Democratic pluralities in registration. Nevertheless, there was a perceptible change in party strength toward the end of the 20th century. Although the state had regularly voted for Republican presidential candidates from the 1960s to the 1980s (Californians Richard M. Nixon and Ronald Reagan were elected president), it became a safely Democratic state in the 1990s and 2000s.

      All federal military services have major facilities in California, affecting both the social and the economic life of the state. Recruit training is the major role of naval and Marine corps bases in San Diego. Camp Pendleton, a Marine base, encompasses the last large undeveloped area along the southern California coast. Air Force activity centres on the Vandenberg base on the central coast and on various other air commands, including remote test facilities in the Mojave Desert. The climate and sparse settlement of the Mojave Desert have made it an ideal setting for aviation and ordnance testing. Long airstrips at Palmdale and at Edwards Air Force Base are important for the testing of new aircraft and for projects of the U.S. space program. Federal cuts in the 1990s forced numerous military base closings and generally devastated the defense and aerospace industries of California. The industries recovered somewhat in the early 21st century with increased military spending, especially for the Iraq War.

Health and welfare
      California long has been considered a liberal state in the extent of its health and welfare statutes. California's medical-research facilities lead the country in several branches of medicine, notably oncology, immunology, and gerontology. State benefits offer aid to families with dependent children, to those with disabilities, and to senior citizens.

      California is oriented toward tax-supported public education. The two-year junior or community college (junior college) was introduced in California in 1907, and there are now more than 100 such colleges. Four-year state colleges and the University of California (California, University of) system complete the public higher-education structure. The University Extension system operates throughout the state. More than one-tenth of California schoolchildren and a slightly higher percentage of college-age students attend private schools.

      According to a master plan that attempts to avoid overlapping roles in the complex system of public colleges and universities, the top one-third of high school graduates are eligible to enroll at one of the campuses of the University of California: Berkeley, Los Angeles, Davis, Riverside, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Irvine, Santa Cruz, and San Diego. The campuses at Santa Cruz and San Diego were established on variations of the Oxford University system of numerous small independent colleges sharing limited central facilities or services. The original campus at Berkeley was founded in 1855 and has remained one of the most prestigious academic communities in the country. The California State University, with numerous branchesincluding Fresno State University; San Francisco State University; California State University, Fullerton; and California State University, Long Beachalso draws from among the top one-third of high school graduates. High school graduates from the lower two-thirds of their classes attend two-year colleges and often are able to transfer at the end of that period to one of the four-year campuses. California also has many prestigious private higher-educational institutions, among them Stanford University in Palo Alto, the University of Southern California (Southern California, University of) in Los Angeles, Mills College in Oakland, the Claremont Colleges, California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, and California Institute of the Arts in Valencia.

Cultural life
      California's culture is marked by widespread public involvement with the arts and enthusiasm for cultural trappings as symbols of achievement, often in the form of lavish expenditures to erect galleries, museums, and concert halls.

The arts
      San Francisco has produced such painters as David Park, Elmer Bischoff, and Richard Diebenkorn. Los Angeles has been more successful as a marketplace for art, with a thriving colony of galleries along La Cienega Boulevard. Carmel, Big Sur, Ojai, and Sausalito have harboured communities of practitioners of diverse arts.

      Early writers associated with California came from outside the state: Bret Harte (Harte, Bret), born in New York; Mark Twain (Twain, Mark), in Missouri; Joaquin Miller (Miller, Joaquin), in Indiana; and Ambrose Bierce (Bierce, Ambrose), in Ohio. But the San Francisco of the Gold Rush days provided an eager audience for their writing, as it did for theatre and music. There followed a line of writers who came as close to establishing a regional tradition as have artists in any medium. Jack London (London, Jack), chronicler of men amid frontier violence, was born in San Francisco. California-born Frank Norris (Norris, Frank) and Upton Sinclair (Sinclair, Upton) opposed the social ills of their times in a foreshadowing of the later work of John Steinbeck (Steinbeck, John) and, to a lesser degree, of William Saroyan (Saroyan, William), both of whom were also native Californians. The Scottish naturalist John Muir (Muir, John), the progenitor of a school of environmental writers, extolled the state's natural wonders. Robinson Jeffers (Jeffers, Robinson), who lived in California much of his life, was the state's most renowned poet. Poets connected with the San Francisco Beat movement include Kenneth Rexroth (Rexroth, Kenneth), Lawrence Ferlinghetti (Ferlinghetti, Lawrence), Denise Levertov (Levertov, Denise), Michael McClure, and William Everson (Everson, William). An influx of literary figures (both Americans and European expatriates) as screenwriters into Hollywood in the 1930s and '40s established little in the way of regional cultural tradition, and the California milieu became instead a favourite target of satire in such novels as Nathanael West (West, Nathanael)'s The Day of the Locust, Aldous Huxley (Huxley, Aldous)'s After Many a Summer Dies the Swan, and Evelyn Waugh's The Loved One, and in works by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Fitzgerald, F. Scott), Budd Schulberg (Schulberg, Budd), and Ross Macdonald (Macdonald, Ross), as well as in the hard-boiled fiction of Raymond Chandler (Chandler, Raymond), Dashiell Hammett (Hammett, Dashiell), and James M. Cain (Cain, James M.).

 The industry for which California has been most popularly known, however, is that of movies (motion picture) and television, centred in and around Hollywood. The pioneers of the motion-picture industry found southern California extremely well suited to their needs of maximum sunshine, mild temperatures, varied terrain, and a well-educated and diverse labour market.

      Hollywood has long been viewed as the centre of a movie industry with a worldwide market, especially in the 1920s, '30s, and '40s, when real estate boomed and riches were extravagantly displayed. The studios were ill prepared, however, for the revolution that they faced as a result of competition with television beginning after World War II. Those working in the movie industry found that millions of Americans were staying home, preferring to watch anything on television rather than go out to the motion-picture house. At about the same time, a series of court decisions judged the major producing companies to be trusts in restraint of trade by virtue of the vertical integration that controlled not only the production of motion pictures but also their distribution and exhibition. Although new features, including wide-screen projection, richer colour, new lenses, and stereophonic sound, were introduced, serious losses were suffered by the industry. Major studios began to sell their film backlogs and to sell or lease their facilities to television concerns. Some studios, such as Universal (Universal Studios), became mammoth television producers. With a reorganization of the studio system in the 1990s and an increased concentration on export markets, Hollywood's film industry had revived by the end of the 20th century.

      The music industry, centred on Los Angeles, also has a huge presence in California, though its prominence is more recent than that of the film industry. Capitol Records, established in 1942, was the first major label in California, and in the 1950s independent labels such as Specialty and Modern played important roles in the development of rhythm and blues and rock and roll. But in the late 1940s, before California made its indelible mark on rock, cool jazz, also known as West Coast Jazz, gained prominence. In the 1960s, as the music industry was shifting from New York to Los Angeles, the Beach Boys (Beach Boys, the) established California's first signature sound, beginning a long string of successful popular music produced in southern California that stretched from folk rock, country rock, and singer-songwriters to punk and gangsta rap. Also in the 1960s, San Francisco became the epicentre of psychedelic rock and Bakersfield, an important locus of country music.

Cultural institutions
      The California Arts Council was created in 1963 to promote the arts within the state, particularly among children and underserved communities. The numerous wealthy art collectors in southern California are prominent in funding such institutions as the Getty Museum (1953), the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (1965), the Museum of Contemporary Art (1979) in Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (1935). The Music Center of Los Angeles County is a concert and theatre complex that was constructed during the 1960s by private contributions. Tax-supported state institutions, most prominently the University of California and its extension program, are active in presenting dance recitals, plays and films, concerts, and lectures. Experimental theatre in San Francisco has been popular, and an often-distinguished mixture of light and avant-garde theatre is offered throughout the year at several theatres, including the community-sponsored Old Globe Theater and La Jolla Playhouse in San Diego, the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles, and the Magic Theatre in San Francisco. Amateur theatrical groups are widespread, as are community orchestras, chamber-music societies, and guest artists. The symphony orchestras of San Francisco and Los Angeles have achieved international recognition, as has the San Francisco Opera Company. The San Diego Symphony began performing in its own downtown hall in 1985.

Sports and recreation
 By virtue of California's size and the diversity of its physical and human geography, most of the world's popular recreational activities and sports are practiced somewhere in the statefrom skiing along the Sierra Nevada as far south as Big Bear Mountain near San Bernardino and surfing on California's beaches, especially those from Santa Barbara to San Diego, to surfing-inspired skateboarding, the first major contest in which was held in Hermosa Beach in 1963.

   California has a panoply of professional sports franchises, and, like many Californians, a number of them once called somewhere else home and some have remained peripatetic. The relocation of the National League's New York Giants to San Francisco and the Brooklyn Dodgers to Los Angeles in the late 1950s was one of American sports' landmark developments, but even before major league baseball went west, the Pacific Coast League had a prestige and glamour unlike any other minor league (e.g., before earning fame with the New York Yankees, San Francisco native Joe DiMaggio (DiMaggio, Joe) starred with his hometown Seals). The state is also home to the San Diego Padres of the National League and the Los Angeles (formerly Anaheim and California) Angels of the American League (both expansion teams), as well as to the American League's Oakland (previously Kansas City) Athletics. The National Basketball Association's Los Angeles Lakers originated in Minneapolis; the Sacramento Kings previously played Kansas City, Omaha, and Cincinnati (as the Royals); the Los Angeles Clippers came from San Diego after starting life as the Buffalo Braves; and the Golden State (formerly San Francisco) Warriors moved west from Philadelphia.

 On the other hand, the Sparks and Monarchs of the Women's National Basketball Association have played in Los Angeles and Sacramento, respectively, since the league's inception in 1997. The San Francisco 49ers and San Diego Chargers of the National Football League still play in their original cities, but the Raiders moved from Oakland to Los Angeles and then back to Oakland, while the Rams, long a fixture in Los Angeles (after having been founded in Cleveland), have played in St. Louis since 1995. More stable are the state's National Hockey League franchises: the Los Angeles Kings, the San Jose Sharks, and the Anaheim Ducks. Club Deportivo Chivas USA and the Galaxy both play in Greater Los Angeles, while California's other Major League Soccer (football) team, the Earthquakes, is based in San Jose.

  Collegiate sports also are extremely prominent in California, but they are so pervasive that it is possible to list only a few historic programs. College basketball has long been synonymous with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), which won 10 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) championships in 12 years (196465, 196773, 1975) under coach John Wooden (Wooden, John). Similar success has been enjoyed in gridiron football by UCLA's crosstown rival the University of Southern California. Both universities participate in the Pacific-10 Conference, as do the University of California, Berkeley, and Stanford University. Less in the limelight is Fresno State University, whose football team is the pride of the San Joaquin Valley. The Rose Bowl, held annually in Pasadena, is thegranddaddyof college football bowl games. California colleges and universities have also excelled in athletics (track and field), swimming, baseball, and volleyball, among other sports.

  Important golf and tennis tournaments, along with automobile races, are also held in California. The state has hosted the Olympic Games three times, with Los Angeles the site of the Summer Games in 1932 and 1984 and Squaw Valley, near Lake Tahoe, the site of the 1960 Winter Games.

      The trails of the High Sierra, including the 211-mile (340-km) John Muir Trail through the heart of the Sierra Nevada, and the Pacific Crest Trail, which runs the length of the state, are favourites for hikers. There are also numerous sites for fishing and hunting. Trinity and Shasta lakes in northern California and Lake Havasu in the southern part of the state, on the border with Arizona, all of which were created by damming, are popular recreational areas, as is the Salton Sea (part of which has been designated a national wildlife refuge). Numerous other reservoirs throughout the state, particularly in the arid south, are also popular for recreation.

Media and publishing
      Metropolitan California newspapers have decreased in number, but their total circulation has grown, led by the Los Angeles Times, with the largest number of readers in the state. Dozens of smaller cities also have daily and weekly newspapers. Other prominent newspapers in the state include the San Francisco Chronicle, the San Francisco Examiner, the Oakland Tribune, the Sacramento Bee, the San Jose Mercury News, and the San Diego Union-Tribune.

Gregory Lewis McNamee

History (California)

      When Spanish navigator Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo (Cabrillo, Juan Rodríguez) became the first European to sight the region that is present-day California in 1542, there were about 130,000 Native Americans (California Indian) inhabiting the area. The territory was neglected by Spain for more than two decades (until 1769) because of reports of the region's poverty and a general slowdown of Spanish exploration. The merchant Sebastián Vizcaíno sailed from Mexico to the southern California coast in 1602, naming San Diego, Santa Catalina Island, Santa Barbara, and Monterey. Working with inaccurate maps, Vizcaíno and several later explorers believed that California was an island and were discouraged when they were unable to chart its surrounding seas.

      Pressure for settlement came from missionaries eager to convert the Native Americans to Christianity, from the intrusion of Russian and British traders, primarily in search of sea otter pelts, and from the quest for the Northwest Passage across the North American continent. In 1769 the Spanish viceroy dispatched land and sea expeditions from Baja California (Baja California Sur), and the Franciscan friar Junípero Serra (Serra, Junípero, Blessed) established the first mission at San Diego. Gaspar de Portolá (Portolá, Gaspar de) set up a military outpost in 1770 at Monterey. Colonization began after 1773 with the opening of an overland supply route across the southwestern deserts that was intended to link other Spanish settlements in what are the present-day states of Arizona and New Mexico to the coast.

      The 21 missions established by Serra and his successors were the strongest factors in developing California. While attempting to Christianize the Mission Indians, the padres taught them farming and crafts. With the forced labour of the Mission Indians, the padres irrigated vast ranches and traded hides, tallow, wine, brandy, olive oil, grain, and leatherwork for the manufactured goods brought by Yankee trading vessels around Cape Horn (Horn, Cape).

U.S. colonization and acquisition
      Secularization of the missions was sought by Spanish Mexican settlers known as Californios when Mexico became independent of Spain in 1821. Between 1833 and 1840 the mission ranches were parceled out to political favourites by the Mexican government. The padres withdrew, and the Native Americans were cruelly exploited and diminished. In 1841 the first wagon train of settlers left Missouri for California. The colony grew slowly, but in 1846 the Northwest became a part of the United States, and settlers at Sonoma proclaimed an independent California republic during the Bear Flag Revolt. In May the United States declared war on Mexico, and in July the U.S. flag was raised at Monterey. Minor skirmishes occurred before the Californios surrendered to troops under John C. Frémont (Frémont, John C) near Los Angeles in January 1847. Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of), ceding to the United States a vast area of the Southwest that included all of present-day California.

 Early in 1848 James Wilson Marshall, a carpenter from New Jersey, picked up nuggets of gold from the American River at the site of a sawmill (John Sutter (Sutter, John)'s Mill) he was building near Coloma. (This discovery occurred just nine days before the end of the Mexican-American War.) By August the hillsides above the river were strewn with the tents and wood huts of the first 4,000 gold miners. From the East, prospectors sailed around Cape Horn or risked disease hiking across the Isthmus of Panama (Panama, Isthmus of). The hardiest took the 2,000-mile (3,220-km) overland route, on which cholera proved a far greater killer than the Native Americans. About 40,000 people arrived at San Francisco by boat in 1849. Some 6,000 wagons, carrying about 40,000 more fortune seekers, moved west that year over the California Trail. Few of the prospectors struck it rich. The work was hard, prices were high, and living conditions were primitive. The wiser immigrants became farmers and storekeepers.

      The gold rush hastened statehood in 1850 (as a part of the Compromise of 1850 (1850, Compromise of)); and, though the Gold Rush peaked in 1852, the momentum of settlement did not subside. Nearly $2 billion in gold was extracted from the earth before mining became virtually dormant.

The Civil War (American Civil War) and after
      The Compromise of 1850 did not settle the slavery issue in California. Political parties were divided according to whether they believed that California should be a free state or a slave (slavery) state. One movement, led by the backers of California Sen. William M. Gwin, sought to divide California into two states, one slave and one free. The same group also attempted to promote a Pacific Coast republic. At the onset of the Civil War, however, California sided with the North and provided it with materiel and soldiers.

      After the war, control of the governor's office passed back and forth between Democrats (Democratic Party) and Republicans (Republican Party) to the end of the century. The political climate after 1876 was distinguished by labour problems and the activity of those seeking to control mining, irrigation, and fruit growing through state funding. An economic slump in the 1870s brought increased discontent among the labour unions, one result of which was a demand for the exclusion of Chinese labourers, who worked for lower rates of pay than didwhites.”

      The problems and agitation of the period resulted in the constitution of 1879, which included reforms but discriminated against the Chinese. An exclusion law passed by the U.S. Congress that year was killed by presidential veto, but in the next year a treaty agreement with China allowed U.S. regulation of Chinese immigration. This was followed by the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882, which suspended Chinese immigration for 10 years. In 1902 Congress reenacted exclusion legislation against the Chinese. By cutting off cheap labour, exclusion helped make the huge single-crop ranches unprofitable and led to the proliferation of smaller farms growing varied crops.

      Japanese farm workers were brought in to replace the Chinese, but as they grew successful theyellow periloutcry rose once again. Japanese agitation, focused largely in San Francisco, affected domestic and international policies. The Gentlemen's Agreement between Japan and the United States in 1907 halted further Japanese immigration to the United States. In 1913 the Webb Alien Land Law, designed to keep the Japanese from owning land, was the culmination of anti-Japanese lobbying.

California since c. 1900
      Reform movements of the early 20th century promoted, among other things, greater influence of the people in government. The effects of the Great Depression were not as devastating in California as in most other parts of the country but were felt nonetheless. Migrant (migrant labour) farmworkers from the Dust Bowl of the Great Plains flocked to the state to seek work, a situation that caused widespread social unrest. Depression conditions gave rise to a number of social welfare schemes, including the End Poverty in California (EPIC) reform movement, organized by muckraking (muckraker) author and gubernatorial candidate Upton Sinclair (Sinclair, Upton). The Democratic Party gained strength during the Depression era. Nevertheless, Republicans dominated the statehouse during the first half of the 20th century (the Democrats had control only during 193943). Notable among the Republican governors was Earl Warren (Warren, Earl), who resigned in 1953 to become chief justice of the United States and who was the first person of his state to hold the office.

      In 1958 a Democratic victory installed Edmund Brown as governor. The Republican defeat reflected a national trend, and Democrats not only won gubernatorial and U.S. senatorial races but also received a majority of seats in both houses of the state legislature for the first time in the 20th century. In 1966 Republican Ronald Reagan (Reagan, Ronald W.), a former actor who in 1981 would become president of the United States, replaced Brown. From the 1960s on, the state seesawed between Democratic and Republican leadership.

      Meanwhile, the economy advanced and the population grew. An influx of immigrants first moved to southern California about 1900, spurred by citrus, oil, and some wariness of San Francisco in the north after the earthquake and fire of 1906 (see San Francisco earthquake of 1906). Land booms came and went. Agriculture in inland valleys and industry in the cities increased. During World War II aircraft plants and shipyards expanded, and in the 1950s and '60s research and educational facilities burgeoned as the movement of people to the West Coast came to include an unusual share of scientists and academicians who had migrated to the United States during World War II.

      The 1970s and '80s were marked by shifting demographics. New urban centres emerged, and smaller cities experienced the most rapid rate of growth. The population of San Diego's metropolitan area rose past two million and included the highest proportion of college graduates of any of the 10 most populous North American cities. There was also rapid growth in new suburban areas near San Jose, Sacramento, and Riverside. For a century San Francisco had served as a financial and corporate centre, but most major corporations had relocated their headquarters to more populous southern California by the late 1980s.

      California's population continued to increase rapidly throughout the 1980s, after which a national economic recession caught up with the population boom. In the early 1990s the U.S. government decreased defense spending, shrinking the state's expansive aerospace and military contracting industry. At the same time, California was plagued with a series of natural disastersfloods, fires, droughts, and earthquakeswhich contributed to diminishing the allure of the Golden State. In 1994 California began moving toward economic recovery in the footsteps of the rest of the country.

Neil Morgan
      This recovery was spurred by two related phenomena: the explosive growth of the high-technology sector, concentrated at first in Silicon Valley but later widely distributed throughout the state; and the arrival of hundreds of thousands of highly educated workers from other states and countries to work in the industry. The new arrivals contributed to a more cosmopolitan and diverse population. This new prosperity benefited many Californians, but it also helped underscore the differences between the affluent and the working class, many of whom were immigrants.

      California's ethnic and racial diversity has sometimes resulted in uneasy relations between the groups. In the 19th century the Chinese first became a target of discrimination, which persisted into the 20th century, and as other ethnic groups made California their home, tensions sometimes flared. During World War II, nearly 100,000 Japaneseincluding many U.S. citizenswere interned in relocation camps out of fear that their allegiance would lie with Japan and not the United States (in 1988 the federal government officially apologized for these actions and authorized payment of $20,000 to every individual who had been forced to move). California's African American population increased dramatically after World War II, and in 1965 and 1992 riots erupted, the former owing mainly to economic grievances and the latter to what was perceived by many African Americans as discrimination in the criminal justice system after several white officers were acquitted in the beating of an African American motorist. In addition, the position of the large number of Hispanics who migrated to California was often tenuous; many worked under hard conditions for little pay, and others had immigrated to the United States illegally. The issue of illegal immigration was of particular importance in California; in 1994 Californians approved a ballot initiative (Proposition 187) to deny illegal immigrants social services (later overturned by a federal court). The increasing political strength of Hispanics in the state (Antonio Villaraigosa became Los Angeles's first Hispanic mayor since the 19th century) sometimes put them at odds with African Americans.

      Politically, California has often served as a laboratory for direct democracy, and in the early 21st century the state ranked first nationally in the number of initiatives that appeared on its ballots. In fact, since the 1960s the number of ballot initiatives has increased fivefold on matters including health care, the environment, taxes, and other special issues. In 2008, in a landmark decision, the California Supreme Court struck down a state law, based on a ballot initiative, that had banned same-sex marriage.

      For descriptions of California in the 18th and 19th centuries, see excerpts from earlier editions of Encyclopædia Britannica.

Gregory Lewis McNamee

Additional Reading

General works
Federal Writers' Project, California: A Guide to the Golden State (1939, reprinted as The WPA Guide to California, 1984), is of value for its period detail, but its applicability to the modern state is variable. Also dated but highly readable is James D. Hart, A Companion to California, new ed., rev. and expanded (1987). Useful for an understanding of various aspects of California ecology are Robert Ornduff, Introduction to California Plant Life, rev. by Phyllis M. Faber and Todd Keeler-Wolf (2003); Gary Snyder, Back on the Fire (2007), a collection of essays on California's ecological environment; Philip L. Fradkin, Magnitude 8: Earthquakes and Life Along the San Andreas Fault (1998); and Mike Davis, Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster (1998), with a focus on environmental threats faced by Los Angeles. Geography and landscape are the subject of Crane S. Miller and Richard S. Hyslop, California: The Geography of Diversity, 2nd ed. (2000); Mary Hill, California Landscape: Origin and Evolution (1984); and Allan A. Schoenherr, A Natural History of California (1992). Warren A. Beck and Ynez D. Haase, Historical Atlas of California (1974); Michael W. Donley et al., Atlas of California (1979); William L. Kahrl, The California Water Atlas (1979); David Hornbeck et al., California Patterns: A Geographical and Historical Atlas (1983); and DeLorme, California Atlas & Gazetteer (2008), provide a wealth of geographic, demographic, and economic data. Erwin G. Gudde, California Place Names, 4th ed., rev. and enlarged by William Bright (1998), combines geography and local history. Cultural history is chronicled in Kevin Starr, Americans and the California Dream (1973), an outstanding multivolume series; Carey McWilliams, Southern California Country (1946, reprinted 1970; also reissued as Southern California: An Island on the Land, 1979); Neil Morgan, The California Syndrome (1969); and James N. Gregory, American Exodus: The Dust Bowl Migration and Okie Culture in California (1989).

Studies in ethnicity
Though dated, A.L. Kroeber, Handbook of the Indians of California (1925, reprinted 1976), remains a standard reference work for scholars. Theodora Kroeber, Ishi in Two Worlds (1961, reissued 2004), is a classic work of Native American history. California's Mexican American culture and history are explored in Oscar Zeta Acosta, The Revolt of the Cockroach People (1973, reissued 1982); Manuel G. Gonzales, Mexicanos: A History of Mexicans in the United States (1999); and Richard Rodriguez, Brown: The Last Discovery of America (2002). Issues of immigration from Mexico and Central America are addressed in Jorge G. Castañeda, The Mexican Shock: Its Meaning for the United States (1995); and Gregory Rodriguez, Mongrels, Bastards, Orphans, and Vagabonds: Mexican Immigration and the Future of Race in America (2007). A still useful work on Chinese immigration to California is Mary Roberts Coolidge, Chinese Immigration (1909, reprinted 1969); more-recent examinations are Lynn Pan, Sons of the Yellow Emperor: A History of the Chinese Diaspora (1990); Elmer Clarence Sandmeyer and Roger Daniels, The Anti-Chinese Movement in California, enlarged ed. (1991); and Jean Pfaelzer, Driven Out: The Forgotten War Against Chinese Americans (2007). The problems of the Japanese in California are addressed in Roger Daniels, The Politics of Prejudice: The Anti-Japanese Movement in California and the Struggle for Japanese Exclusion, 2nd ed. (1977); and Valerie J. Matsumoto, Farming the Home Place: A Japanese American Community in California, 19191982 (1993). Ethnic struggle for Koreans in Los Angeles is the subject of Nancy Abelmann and John Lie, Blue Dreams: Korean Americans and the Los Angeles Riots (1995). Ronald Takaki, Double Victory: A Multicultural History of America in World War II (2000), surveys the history of California's many ethnic groups during the war era. More shifts in California's ethnic composition are explored in Mark Baldassare, California in the New Millennium: The Changing Social and Political Landscape (2000).

Histories include David Lavender, California: A Bicentennial History (1976); John W. Caughey and Norris Hundley, Jr., California: History of a Remarkable State, 4th ed. (1982); James J. Rawls and Walton Bean, California: An Interpretive History, 9th ed. (2008); and Andrew Rolle and Arthur Verge, California, 7th ed. (2008). Richard B. Rice, William A. Bullough, and Richard J. Orsi, The Elusive Eden: A New History of California, 3rd ed. (2002), tracks the historical development of California, including specific chapters on women, ethnic groups, and the environment. David Wyatt, Five Fires: Race, Catastrophe, and the Shaping of California (1997), recounts the story of California with fire as a metaphor. Peter Schrag, California: America's High-Stakes Experiment (2006), examines California's recent history and the problems facing the state in the early 21st century.Dale L. Walker, Bear Flag Rising: The Conquest of California, 1846 (1999), discusses the battles and events leading up to California's annexation by the United States. Ramón A. Gutiérrez and Richard J. Orsi (eds.), Contested Eden: California Before the Gold Rush (1998), is a collection of essays from prehistory until 1848. Works focusing on the Gold Rush period include Malcolm J. Rohrbough, Days of Gold: The California Gold Rush and the American Nation (1997); Mary Hill, Gold: The California Story (1999); and J.S. Holliday, Rush for Riches: Gold Fever and the Making of California (1999). Norris Hundley, The Great Thirst: Californians and WaterA History, rev. ed. (2001), examines the importance of water throughout California's history. Andrew Isenberg, Mining California: An Ecological History (2005), addresses the historical effects of the state's resource-extractive industries. Current research is published in California History (quarterly).Gregory Lewis McNamee

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  • California — bezeichnet: Kalifornien, siehe Kalifornien (Begriffsklärung) (341) California, den Asteroiden Nummer 341 California (Gattung), eine Pflanzengattung der Familie der Storchschnabelgewächse (Geraniaceae) California (Motorrad), eine Tourenmotorrad… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CALIFORNIA — CALIFORNIA, a state located on the Pacific Coast of the United States with a temperate climate, abundant natural resources, and numerous ports; it achieved statehood in 1850. The Jewish population in the late 1960s was more than 650,000. By the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • California — (Am. S.) f. Carrera de caballos. * * * california. f. V. californio1. * * * Generalidades Es un estado federado de los Estados Unidos. Está situada en el suroeste del país, y linda al oeste con la costa del Océano Pacífico, al este con los… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • California — California, PA U.S. borough in Pennsylvania Population (2000): 5274 Housing Units (2000): 2092 Land area (2000): 11.029312 sq. miles (28.565785 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.199664 sq. miles (0.517127 sq. km) Total area (2000): 11.228976 sq. miles …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • California — (Нерха,Испания) Категория отеля: 1 звездочный отель Адрес: Maria De Waard, 21, 29780 Нерх …   Каталог отелей

  • California — (Тбилиси,Грузия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Sabortalo Sirmis Goraze, 0105 Тбилиси, Грузия …   Каталог отелей

  • California — (Виши,Франция) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: 27, Rue Jean Jaurès, 03200 Виши …   Каталог отелей

  • California, KY — U.S. city in Kentucky Population (2000): 86 Housing Units (2000): 27 Land area (2000): 0.240097 sq. miles (0.621849 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.357012 sq. miles (0.924656 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.597109 sq. miles (1.546505 sq. km) FIPS code …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • California, MD — U.S. Census Designated Place in Maryland Population (2000): 9307 Housing Units (2000): 3735 Land area (2000): 12.920767 sq. miles (33.464632 sq. km) Water area (2000): 1.874676 sq. miles (4.855388 sq. km) Total area (2000): 14.795443 sq. miles… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

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