
/keuh len"jeuh leuh/, n.
1. Also called pot marigold. a composite plant, Calendula officinalis, widely cultivated for its showy, many-rayed orange or yellow flower heads.
2. the dried florets of this plant, sometimes used medicinally.
3. any other plant of the genus Calendula.
[1870-75; < ML, equiv. to L calend(ae) CALENDS + -ula -ULE]

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Any herbaceous plant of the small genus Calendula, in the composite family, found in temperate regions.

Calendulas produce yellow-rayed flowers. The pot marigold (C. officinalis) is grown especially for ornamental purposes.

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      Any herbaceous plant of the small genus Calendula, in the Asteraceae family (Asteraceae), found in temperate regions. Calendulas produce yellow-rayed flowers. The pot marigold (C. officinalis) is grown especially for ornamental purposes.

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Universalium. 2010.

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