
/keuh lay"dee euhm/, n.
any of several tropical American plants of the genus Caladium, of the arum family, cultivated for their variegated, colorful leaves.
[1835-45; < NL: orig. coined as genus name for taro on basis of Malay kaladi (sp. keladi) araceous plant; see -IUM]

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Any of the tropical New World tuberous herbaceous plants that make up the genus Caladium, in the arum family, widely cultivated for their showy, fragile-looking, variably coloured leaves.

Caladiums are nonhardy bulbs used as potted plants indoors and in summer outdoor plantings. They keep surprisingly well if protected from chills and wintry drafts.

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      Any of the tropical New World tuberous herbaceous plants that make up the genus Caladium, in the arum family (Arum), widely cultivated for their showy, fragile-looking, variably coloured leaves. Caladiums are nonhardy bulbs used as potted plants indoors and in summer outdoor plantings. They keep surprisingly well if protected from chills and wintry drafts.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • caladium — [ kaladjɔm ] n. m. • caladion 1816; lat. bot. caladium (1750), du malais keladi ♦ Plante d ornement (aracées) herbacée, tubéreuse, à larges feuilles colorées. Caladium exotique. ⇒ colocase. ● caladium ou caladion nom masculin (malais k˘elādi)… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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