
cageless, adj.cagelike, adj.
/kayj/, n., v., caged, caging.
1. a boxlike enclosure having wires, bars, or the like, for confining and displaying birds or animals.
2. anything that confines or imprisons; prison.
3. something resembling a cage in structure, as for a cashier or bank teller.
4. the car or enclosed platform of an elevator.
5. Mining. an enclosed platform for raising and lowering people and cars in a mine shaft.
6. any skeleton framework.
7. Baseball. a movable backstop for use mainly in batting practice.
8. a frame with a net attached to it, forming the goal in ice hockey and field hockey.
9. Basketball Older Use. the basket.
10. a loose, sheer or lacy overdress worn with a slip or a close-fitting dress.
11. Ordn. a steel framework for supporting guns.
12. Mach. retainer1 (def. 3).
13. to put or confine in or as if in a cage.
14. Sports. to shoot (as a puck) into a cage so as to score a goal.
[1175-1225; ME < OF < L cavea birdcage, equiv. to cav(us) hollow + -ea, fem. of -eus adj. suffix]
Syn. 1. pen, coop, enclosure, pound.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • cage — [ kaʒ ] n. f. • 1155; lat. cavea, de cavus « creux » I ♦ 1 ♦ Loge garnie de barreaux servant à enfermer des animaux sauvages. Les cages d une ménagerie, d un cirque. Le dompteur entre dans la cage des lions, aux lions. Tourner comme un ours en… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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