
/kab'euh let"euh, kah'beuh-/; It. /kah'bah let"tah/, n., pl. cabalettas, cabalette /-let"ay/; It. /-let"te/.
a short, operatic aria of simple form and style.
[1835-45; < It, alter. of coboletta stanza, dim. of cob(b)ola, cobla stanza, couplet < OPr cobla < L copula bond; see COPULA]

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operatic aria
      (from Italian cobola, “couplet”), originally an operatic aria with a simple, animated rhythm, and later a fast concluding section of a two-part operatic aria. An example of the earlier type is "Le belle immagini" (“The Beautiful Images”) in Christoph Gluck's Paride ed Elena (1770). In 19th-century Italian opera, cabaletta may mean either a short aria in quick tempo with repeated sections (examples occur in the operas of Gioachino Rossini) or a brilliant conclusion to the ubiquitous two-part aria of Vincenzo Bellini, Gaetano Donizetti, and Giuseppe Verdie.g., Violetta's "Sempre libera" (“Always Free”) in Verdi's La traviata, the second part of "Ah, forse è lui che l'anima." The cabaletta was famously revived in Igor Stravinsky's The Rake's Progress (1951): Anne's cabaletta "I go, I go to him" (second part of "Quietly, night" ).

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