
/beuhr let"euh/, n. Theat.
(in the 18th and 19th centuries) a musical drama containing rhymed lyrics and resembling comic opera or a comic play containing songs.
[1740-50; < It, equiv. to burl(a) jest (see BURLESQUE) + -etta -ETTE]

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  • Burletta — Bur*let ta (b[^u]r*l[e^]t t[.a]), n. [It., dim. of burla mockery. See {Burlesque}, a.] (Mus.) A comic operetta; a music farce. Byron. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Burletta — (ital.), kleines Luft und Possenspiel …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Burletta — Burletta, ital., ein kleines Possenspiel …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Burletta — A burletta (Italian, meaning little joke ), also sometimes burla or burlettina , is a musical term generally denoting a brief comic Italian (or, later, English) opera. The term was used in the 18th century to denote the comic intermezzos between… …   Wikipedia

  • burletta — bur·lét·ta s.f. 1. dim. → burla 2. CO scherzo, celia | mettere in burletta, mettere in ridicolo, volgere a scherzo | prendere in burletta, prendere alla leggera qcs. che richiederebbe una seria ponderazione 3. TS teatr. operetta teatrale di… …   Dizionario italiano

  • Burletta — Burlẹtta   [italienisch »kleiner Scherz«] die, /...ten, im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert eine Opera buffa oder ein Singspiel mit besonders kontrastreicher, scharf karikierender Komik. Ein Beispiel bietet J. Haydns Burletta »L infedeltà delusa«… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Burletta — Bur|let|ta die; , Plur. ...tten u. s <aus gleichbed. it. burletta, Verkleinerungsform von burla; vgl. ↑burlesk> kleines Lustspiel …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • burletta — s. f. 1. dim. di burla; scherzo, scherzetto 2. celia, ridicolaggine, buffonata, pagliacciata, farsa, canzonatura, scherzo FRASEOLOGIA mettere in burletta, mettere in ridicolo …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • burletta — {{hw}}{{burletta}}{{/hw}}s. f. Celia, avvenimento ridicolo | Mettere in –b, in ridicolo …   Enciclopedia di italiano

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