
/boor"euh kooh'min/, n.pl.
(in Japan) the members of a large social minority who have traditionally been considered outcasts.
[1965-70; < Japn, equiv. to buraku settlement, ghetto ( < MChin, equiv. to Chin bùlùo (or bùlào) settlement, village) + -min people ( < MChin, equiv. to Chin mín)]

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(Japanese; "hamlet people")

Japanese minority group that suffers discrimination based on its historical outcaste status.

In the late 16th century, when Toyotomi Hideyoshi divided the populace into four social classes, one group remained outside and beneath the system: those whose occupation involved the taking of life (such as butchers or executioners) or handling flesh or dead bodies (such as leatherworkers or gravediggers). Buddhist and Shintō beliefs in the polluting nature of these occupations have long stigmatized those who held them. Though their outcaste status was removed by law in 1871, prejudice remains, and burakumin heritage often stands in the way of marriages and employment opportunities. Burakumin are estimated to number 13 million.

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Japanese social class
(Japanese:hamlet people”),also called  Eta 

      (“pollution abundant”), outcaste, oruntouchable,” Japanese (Japan) minority, occupying the lowest level of the traditional Japanese social system. The Japanese term eta is highly pejorative, but prejudice has tended even to tarnish the otherwise neutral term burakumin itself.

      Although the class was officially abolished in 1871 (under the Emancipation Act of the Meiji period), vast numbers of burakumin continue to live in ghetto-like communities throughout Japan, and many are still relegated to unskilled and poorly paid occupations. Identification as a burakumin is often sufficient to prevent or void participation in a marriage, a contract, or employment in any non-burakumin occupation. No official census exists, but about 6,000 segregated communities of burakumin contain a total population variously estimated at between 1,000,000 and 3,000,000.

      Several fanciful theories about theirforeignorigins were once popular; the scholarly consensus is now that the original burakumin were simply impoverished Japanese who had drifted into beggary or lowly occupations, especially occupations tabooed by orthodox Shintō and Buddhism (such as leather making) involving the taking of life. During the Tokugawa (Edo) period, beginning in 1603, feudal laws cast the burakumin officially into segregated communities and occupations and, by the early 18th century, had forced on them certain badges of statusthe wearing of special clothing and hair styles, the avoidance of other households, the observance of curfews, and prostration before their betters.

      Although the burakumin werefreedin 1871, little was done to implement their freedom (no more, perhaps, than was done for U.S. blacks after the American Civil War). Not until the 20th century did groups of burakumin begin organizing for their cause; in 1922 a national organization, Suiheisha (Organization of Levelers), was created, and it engaged in various school boycotts, tax revolts, and other protests until its disbandment in 1941. After World War II, in 1946, a more militant and politically active organization was formed: the Buraku Kaihō Zenkoku Iinkai (All-Japan Committee for Buraku Liberation), which in 1955 was renamed Buraku Kaihō Dōmei (Buraku Liberation League). Its leftist orientation, however, alienated more conservative burakumin leaders. Thus in 1960 a rival national organization, Dōwakai (Society for Integration), was founded; it came to be led by Liberal Democratic politicians, some of whom were elected to the national Diet. A third organization, the Zenkoku Buraku Kaihō Undō (All-Japan Buraku Liberation Movement), was formed in 1976.

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