- Buonaparte
It. /bwaw'nah pahrdd"te/, n.Bonaparte.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Buonaparte — ist der Name folgender Personen: Carlo Buonaparte (1746–1785), Vater von Joseph Bonaparte und Napoléon Bonaparte Giuseppe Maria Buonaparte (1713–1763), korsischer Politiker Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unters … Deutsch Wikipedia
Buonaparte — Buonaparte, so v.w. Bonaparte … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Buonaparte — [bwō̂΄nä pär′te] n. It. var. of BONAPARTE1 … English World dictionary
Buonaparte — Famille Bonaparte Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bonaparte (homonymie). La famille Bonaparte (à l origine Buonaparte) est une famille patricienne originaire d Italie, reconnue noble en France, qui a donné deux empereurs français Napoléon Ier… … Wikipédia en Français
Buonaparte, Carlo Maria — ▪ father of Napoleon born March 29, 1746, Ajaccio, Corsica died Feb. 24, 1785, Montpellier, Fr. father of Napoleon I. Buonaparte took a law degree at the University of Pisa and, after the French conquest of Corsica in 1769, became… … Universalium
Buonaparte, Letizia — ▪ mother of Napoleon née Maria Letizia Ramolino , byname Madame Mère born Aug. 24, 1750, Ajaccio, Corsica died Feb. 2, 1836, Rome, Italy mother of Napoleon I by Carlo Maria Buonaparte, whom she married in 1764. Simple and frugal in her tastes … Universalium
BUONAPARTE, Luciano — (1775–1840) The brother of Napoleone Buonaparte and a revolutionary politician in his own right, who during his self imposed exile in Italy and as prince of Canino, was responsible for the clearing of many graves in Vulci and indirectly… … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans
Buonaparte — biographical name Italian spelling of Bonaparte … New Collegiate Dictionary
Buonaparte — Buonapạrte, italienische Namensform für Bonaparte … Universal-Lexikon
Buonaparte — Buo•na•par•te it. [[t]ˌbwɔ nɑˈpɑr tɛ[/t]] n. big Bonaparte … From formal English to slang