
/bunch"ber'ee, -beuh ree/, n., pl. bunchberries.
a dwarf dogwood, Cornus canadensis, bearing dense clusters of bright-red berries. Also called crackerberry.
[1835-45; BUNCH + BERRY]

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Creeping perennial herbaceous plant (Cornus canadensis), also called dwarf cornel, of the dogwood family.

The small and inconspicuous yellowish flowers, grouped in heads surrounded by four large and showy white (rarely pink) petal-like bracts, give rise to clusters of red fruits. Bunchberry is found in acid soils, bogs, and upland slopes in Asia and from Greenland to Alaska, and south as far as Maryland, New Mexico, and California.

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also called  Dwarf Cornel 
 (Cornus canadensis), creeping perennial herb of the dogwood family (Cornaceae). The small and inconspicuous yellowish flowers, grouped in heads surrounded by four large and showy white (rarely pink) petallike bracts (modified leaves), give rise to clusters of red fruits. Bunchberry is found in acid soils, bogs, and upland slopes in Asia and from Greenland to Alaska and south as far as Maryland, New Mexico, and California.

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  • Bunchberry — is a common name for two species of dwarf dogwoods:* Cornus canadensis Canadian or Eastern Bunchberry * Cornus suecica Eurasian or Northern Bunchberry …   Wikipedia

  • Bunchberry — Bunch ber ry, n. (Bot.) The dwarf cornel ({Cornus Canadensis}), which bears a dense cluster of bright red, edible berries. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bunchberry — ☆ bunchberry [bunch′ber΄ē, bunchbər ē] n. pl. bunchberries a North American dwarf plant (Cornus canadensis) of the dogwood family, having minute flowers surrounded by four large, white bracts and, in the fall, bearing bunches of bright red… …   English World dictionary

  • bunchberry — noun a) A common name for two species of dwarf dogwoods: Cornus canadensis Canadian or Eastern Bunchberry; Cornus suecica Eurasian or Northern Bunchberry. b) The fruit of either of these plants. See Also: Canadian dwarf cornel, crackerberry …   Wiktionary

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  • bunchberry — noun Date: 1845 a creeping perennial herb (Cornus canadensis) of the dogwood family that has whorled leaves and white floral bracts and bears clusters of red berries …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • bunchberry — bunch•ber•ry [[t]ˈbʌntʃˌbɛr i, bə ri[/t]] n. pl. ries pln a dwarf dogwood, Cornus canadensis, bearing clusters of bright red berries • Etymology: 1835–45 …   From formal English to slang

  • bunchberry — noun creeping perennial herb distinguished by red berries and clustered leaf whorls at the tips of shoots; Greenland to Alaska • Syn: ↑dwarf cornel, ↑crackerberry, ↑pudding berry, ↑Cornus canadensis • Hypernyms: ↑dogwood, ↑dogwood tree, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cornus Canadensis — Bunchberry Bunch ber ry, n. (Bot.) The dwarf cornel ({Cornus Canadensis}), which bears a dense cluster of bright red, edible berries. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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