
/bum/, n., v., bummed, bumming, adj., bummer, bummest.
1. a person who avoids work and sponges on others; loafer; idler.
2. a tramp, hobo, or derelict.
3. Informal. an enthusiast of a specific sport or recreational activity, esp. one who gives it priority over work, family life, etc.: a ski bum; a tennis bum.
4. Informal. an incompetent person.
5. a drunken orgy; debauch.
6. on the bum, Informal.
a. living or traveling as or in a manner suggesting that of a hobo or tramp.
b. in a state of disrepair or disorder: The oven is on the bum again.
7. Informal. to borrow without expectation of returning; get for nothing; cadge: He's always bumming cigarettes from me.
8. Slang. to ruin or spoil: The weather bummed our whole weekend.
9. to sponge on others for a living; lead an idle or dissolute life.
10. to live as a hobo.
11. bum around, Informal. to travel, wander, or spend one's time aimlessly: We bummed around for a couple of hours after work.
12. bum (someone) out, Slang. to disappoint, upset, or annoy: It really bummed me out that she could have helped and didn't.
adj. Slang.
13. of poor, wretched, or miserable quality; worthless.
14. disappointing; unpleasant.
15. erroneous or ill-advised; misleading: That tip on the stock market was a bum steer.
16. lame: a bum leg.
[1860-65, Amer.; perh. shortening of or back formation from BUMMER1; adj. senses of unclear relation to sense "loafer" and perh. of distinct orig.]
Syn. 2. vagabond, vagrant.
/bum/, n. Chiefly Brit. Slang.
the buttocks; rump.
[1350-1400; ME bom; of uncert. orig.]
/bum/, n. Mil. Slang.
1. a reproduction of a document made with copying equipment.
2. a bag into which classified waste is put in preparation for destruction.
[perh. as shortening of BUMF or bumfodder; def. 2 presumably as shortening of bum bag]

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