bull's-eye window
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bull's-eye window — noun : a circular window or a window filling a bull s eye * * * bull s eye (def. 7). [1925 30] … Useful english dictionary
bull's-eye window — noun Date: 1926 a circular window; also a window made up of bull s eyes … New Collegiate Dictionary
bull’s-eye — bull’sˈ eye noun ▪ A round opening or window ▪ The centre of a target ▪ A shot that hits it (also figurative) ▪ A big, round, hard peppermint sweet ▪ The central boss formed in making a sheet of spun glass ( … Useful english dictionary
bull's eye — central circle on a target; shot that hits a bull s eye; direct hit; central area targeted in a bombing raid; missile which hits the central area of a target; small circular window or opening … English contemporary dictionary
bull's-eye — bull s eyed, adj. /boolz uy /, n., pl. bull s eyes. 1. the circular spot, usually black or outlined in black, at the center of a target marked with concentric circles and used in target practice. 2. a shot that hits this. 3. the center or central … Universalium
bull — 1. n., adj., & v. n. 1 a an uncastrated male bovine animal. b a male of the whale, elephant, and other large animals. 2 (the Bull) the zodiacal sign or constellation Taurus. 3 Brit. the bull s eye of a target. 4 Stock Exch. a person who buys… … Useful english dictionary
Bull — 1. n., adj., & v. n. 1 a an uncastrated male bovine animal. b a male of the whale, elephant, and other large animals. 2 (the Bull) the zodiacal sign or constellation Taurus. 3 Brit. the bull s eye of a target. 4 Stock Exch. a person who buys… … Useful english dictionary
window — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. casement, dormer, opening; pane; bay window, oriel; port[hole]; skylight; embrasure, loophole. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [An architectural opening for light and air] Syn. skylight, porthole, bay window,… … English dictionary for students
window — n opening, aperture, ventilator, Scot. win nock, Archit. fenestra, Archit. fenestella; casement, dormer, oriel, bay window, transom, fanlight, lattice, skylight; porthole, port, bull s eye; (all of fortification) embrasure, loophole, crenal … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
oeil-de-boeuf window — also called bull s eye window in architecture, a small circular or oval window, usually resembling a wheel, with glazing bars (bars framing the panes of glass) as spokes radiating outward from an empty hub, or circular centre. In French,… … Universalium