- bulletproof
/bool"it proohf'/, adj.2. Informal. safe from failure; without errors or shortcomings and beyond criticism: a bulletproof system; a bulletproof budget.v.t.[1855-60; BULLET + -PROOF]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
bulletproof — [bool′it pro͞of΄] adj. that bullets cannot pierce vt. to make bulletproof … English World dictionary
Bulletproof — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Bulletproof Produktionsland USA … Deutsch Wikipedia
bulletproof — bullet proof ul let proof , bulletproof ul let*proof , a. 1. Capable of resisting the force of a bullet; resistant to penetration by a bullet; armored; as, a bulletproof vest; a bulletproof window. [1913 Webster +PJC] 2. designed so as to be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bulletproof — 1. adjective a) Capable of withstanding a direct shot by a bullet fired from a gun. A bulletproof window. b) reliable, infallible, sturdy or error tolerant. A bulletproof vest … Wiktionary
bulletproof — /ˈbʊlətpruf/ (say booluhtproohf) adjective 1. capable of resisting the impact of a bullet. 2. impervious to attacks or difficulties: bulletproof confidence; bulletproof software. 3. irrefutable: a bulletproof argument …
bulletproof — adjective Date: 1693 1. impenetrable to bullets < bulletproof glass > 2. not subject to correction, alteration, or modification < a bulletproof argument > 3. invincible … New Collegiate Dictionary
bulletproof — bul|let|proof [ bulıt,pruf ] adjective 1. ) made from a material that stops bullets from passing through: a bulletproof vest/jacket/car 2. ) designed to be protected from problems or damage: a new bulletproof computer operating system … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bulletproof — UK [ˈbʊlɪtˌpruːf] / US [ˈbʊlɪtˌpruf] adjective 1) made from a material that stops bullets from passing through a bulletproof vest/jacket/car 2) designed to be protected from problems or damage a new bulletproof computer operating system … English dictionary
bulletproof — adj. Bulletproof is used with these nouns: ↑glass, ↑jacket, ↑vest … Collocations dictionary
bulletproof — bul•let•proof [[t]ˈbʊl ɪtˌpruf[/t]] adj. 1) capable of resisting or absorbing the impact of a bullet 2) to make (something) bulletproof • Etymology: 1855–60 … From formal English to slang