- bulb
/bulb/, n.1. Bot.a. a usually subterranean and often globular bud having fleshy leaves emergent at the top and a stem reduced to a flat disk, rooting from the underside, as in the onion and lily.b. a plant growing from such a bud.2. any round, enlarged part, esp. at the end of a cylindrical object: the bulb of a thermometer.3. Elect.a. the glass housing, in which a partial vacuum has been established, that contains the filament of an incandescent electric lamp.b. an incandescent or fluorescent electric lamp.4. Anat. any of various small, bulb-shaped structures or protuberances: olfactory bulb; bulb of urethra.6. Building Trades. a rounded thickening at the toe of an angle iron or tee.7. Naut. a cylindrical or spherical prominence at the forefoot of certain vessels.8. Photog. a shutter setting in which the shutter remains open as long as the shutter release is depressed. Symbol: B[1560-70; < L bulbus < Gk bolbós onion, bulbous plant]
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In botany, the resting stage of certain seed plants, particularly perennial monocotyledons (see cotyledon), consisting of a relatively large, usually globe-shaped, underground bud with membranous or fleshy overlapping leaves arising from a short stem.The fleshy leaves function as food reserves that enable a plant to lie dormant when water is unavailable (during winter or drought) and to resume active growth when favourable conditions again prevail. There are two main types of bulbs. One, typified by the onion, has a thin papery covering protecting its fleshy leaves. The other, the scaly bulb, as seen in true lilies, has naked storage leaves, with no papery covering, making the bulb appear to consist of angular scales. Bulbs enable many common ornamentals, such as the narcissus, tulip, and hyacinth, to flower rapidly in early spring when growing conditions are favourable. Other bulb-producing plants bloom in the summer (e.g., lilies) or fall (e.g., the autumn crocus). The solid corms of the crocus and gladiolus and the elongated rhizomes of some irises are not bulbs.* * *
▪ plant anatomyin botany, structure that is the resting stage of certain seed plants, particularly perennial monocotyledons. A bulb consists of a relatively large, usually globe-shaped, underground bud with membraneous or fleshy overlapping leaves arising from a short stem. An onion is a commonly known bulb. A bulb's fleshy leaves—which in some species are actually expanded leaf bases—function as food reserves that enable a plant to lie dormant when water is unavailable (during winter or drought) and resume its active growth when favourable conditions again prevail. There are two main types of bulbs. One type, typified by the onion, has a thin papery covering protecting its fleshy leaves. The other type, the scaly bulb, as seen in true lilies, has naked storage leaves, unprotected by any papery covering, that make the bulb appear to consist of a series of angular scales. Bulbs can vary in size from insignificant pea-sized structures to those of large crinums (crinum lilies), the individual bulbs of which may weigh more than 15 pounds (7 kg).Bulbs enable many common garden ornamentals, such as the narcissus, tulip, and hyacinth, to produce their flowers rapidly, almost precociously, in early spring when growing conditions are favourable. Other bulb-producing plants, such as the lilies, flower in the summer, while a few, such as the meadow saffron, bloom in the fall. Bulb-producing species are especially abundant in the lily and amaryllis families. A few bulb-producing species are of economic importance to humans owing to the taste and nutritive value of their fleshy leaves. Included among such species are the onion and its relatives, the shallot, garlic, and leek. Some bulbs contain poisonous compounds, such as the red squill (Urginea), the bulbs of which are the source of a highly effective rat poison.In horticulture the term bulb is incorrectly applied to a number of botanical structures that have a similar food-storing function. Among these are the solid corms of the crocus and gladiolus and the elongated rhizome of some irises.* * *
Universalium. 2010.