
/bug/; Pol., Russ. /boohk/, n.
1. a river in E central Europe, rising in W Ukraine and forming part of the boundary between Poland and Ukraine, flowing NW to the Vistula River in Poland. 450 mi. (725 km) long.
2. a river in SW Ukraine flowing SE to the Dnieper estuary. ab. 530 mi. (850 km) long.

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Coding error in a computer program that prevents it from functioning as designed.

Most software companies have a quality-assurance department which is charged with finding program bugs while the program is in development (debugging); bugs are also often detected by means of beta testing (testing of a product, often by potential consumers, before it is placed on the market). The term originated in a computer context in 1945 when a moth flew into and jammed an electrical relay of the Harvard Mark II computer; it was extracted and taped into the log book with the inscription "First actual case of bug being found" (the term having previously been used for other kinds of mechanical defects).
Commonly, any insect; scientifically, any member of the insect order Heteroptera.

In scientific usage, when the word "bug" is part of the common name for a member of the order Heteroptera, it is a separate word (e.g., "chinch bug"); when used as part of the common name for an organism that is not a heteropteran, it is not separated (e.g., the ladybug, in the order Coleoptera). In common usage, there are many exceptions to this convention (e.g., bedbugs are heteropterans).
(as used in expressions)
Western Bug River
potato bug
leaf footed bug
Year 2000 bug

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 commonly, any insect or terrestrial arthropod. In entomology, this term refers specifically to any member of the insect order Heteroptera (e.g., chinch bug, bedbug).

      When the word bug is part of the common name for a member of thetrue bugorder Heteroptera, it is usually a separate word (exceptions are bedbug and stinkbug). When used as part of the common name for an organism that is not a heteropteran, the word bug is usually not separatede.g., ladybug (a member of the beetle order Coleoptera), mealybug (a homopteran), doodlebug (a neuropteran larva), and sowbug (a crustacean). There are many exceptions to this convention. In the British Isles the name applies solely to one member of the heteropteran order, the bedbug Cimex lectularius.

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