
/buk"skin'/, n.
1. the skin of a buck or deer.
2. a strong, soft, yellowish or grayish leather, originally prepared from deerskins, now usually from sheepskins.
3. buckskins, breeches or shoes made of buckskin.
4. a stiff, firm, starched cotton cloth with a smooth surface and napped back.
5. a sturdy wool fabric constructed in satin weave, napped and cropped short to provide a smooth finish, and used in the manufacture of outer garments.
6. a person, esp. a backwoodsman, dressed in buckskin.
7. a horse the color of buckskin.
8. made of buckskin: buckskin gloves.
9. having the color of buckskin; yellowish or grayish.
[1400-50; late ME; see BUCK1, SKIN]

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