- Brookner
/brook"neuhr/, n.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Brookner — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Anita Brookner (* 1928), britische Schriftstellerin und Kunsthistorikerin Howard Brookner (1954–1989), US amerikanischer Regisseur Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit de … Deutsch Wikipedia
Brookner — [ brʊknə], Anita, englische Schriftstellerin und Kunsthistorikerin, * London 16. 7. 1928; verfasste u. a. die kunsthistorischen Werke »Watteau« (1968) und »Jacques Louis David« (1980) sowie eine Reihe von Romanen, in denen sie mit feiner Ironie … Universal-Lexikon
BROOKNER, ANITA — (1928– ), writer and art historian. Brookner was born in London, England, into a family of Polish origin. She was educated at the University of London and at the Courtauld Institute in London. In her professional life, her achievements have been… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Brookner, Anita — ▪ British author born July 16, 1928, London, Eng. English art historian and author known for her novels of lonely people, especially middle aged women who feel they have been betrayed by literature into expecting more from life than they… … Universalium
Brookner — Brook•ner [[t]ˈbrʊk nər[/t]] n. big Anita, born 1928, English novelist and art historian … From formal English to slang
Brookner — /ˈbrʊknə/ (say brooknuh) noun Anita, born 1938, British writer and art historian; novels include Hotel du Lac (1984) which won the Booker Prize …
Brookner — /brook neuhr/, n. Anita, born 1928, English novelist and art historian … Useful english dictionary
Anita Brookner — ➡ Brookner * * * … Universalium
Anita Brookner — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Anita Brookner Nombre Anita Brookner Nacimiento 16 de julio de 1928 … Wikipedia Español
Anita Brookner — CBE (born 16 July 1928) is an English novelist and art historian who was born in Herne Hill, a suburb of London.contemporary writers|id=19] [ [http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/brookner.html Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at… … Wikipedia